Tanggal: Sabtu 25 Februari 2015 Dari: Andrey Lubchenko Jika Anda selalu ingin menghasilkan uang dalam perdagangan. Dan menjalani kehidupan impian Anda mendapatkan uang dari rumah - maka saya memiliki kabar baik untuk Anda, saya akan menunjukkan sistem perdagangan ayunan yang paling menakjubkan yang menghasilkan lebih dari 312.634,97 pada tahun 2009, dan akan memberi Anda kesempatan terbatas untuk berdagang dengannya. Pertama, beritahu saya satu rahasia yang semua trader legendaris tahu. Dan 99 pedagang tidak tahu: Tahukah Anda mengapa pedagang legendaris ini menghasilkan jutaan. Sementara Anda berjuang untuk menjaga kepalamu tetap terjaga Karena Mereka TIDAK Hari Perdagangan itu benar, mereka tidak melakukan perdagangan hari. Mereka bahkan tidak kulit kepala. Dan mengapa perdagangan Day hanya mengarah pada: Satu-satunya yang menemukan perdagangan hari menguntungkan. Pialang Anda Pikirkan sebentar: jika Anda hanya mengambil 4 perdagangan per hari dan melakukan perdagangan 5 hari seminggu. Dalam satu tahun Anda akan membayar 11.200 hanya untuk spread dan komisi. Jumlah ini dibayarkan bahkan sebelum Anda benar-benar menghasilkan keuntungan APAPUN Dan jika Anda mengaduk gambar itu malah lebih buruk lagi. Hanya dalam satu tahun Anda akan membayar 28.000 hanya untuk spread The Only One Making Money. Apakah Pialang Anda Anda mendapatkan gambarnya - Perdagangan hari dapat menyebabkan Anda mengalami kerusakan finansial yang serius. Sebenarnya, ada yang mengatakan bahwa perdagangan hari adalah penipuan yang diciptakan oleh pialang untuk menyedot uang Anda lebih cepat. Dengan membebani Anda satu pip kecil di sini dan satu pip kecil di sana, pialang perlahan mengeluarkan uang Anda. Bahkan jika Anda tidak peduli dengan spread dan masih ingin melakukan perdagangan hari, diperkirakan sekitar 80 pergerakan harga dalam kerangka waktu yang lebih rendah (perdagangan hari dan scalping) adalah suara murni. Artinya Anda mencoba menemukan pola dan Gunakan indikator, dalam lingkungan yang murni acak Yang menyedihkan adalah kebanyakan orang tidak tahu apa yang terjadi. Mereka hanya akan berasumsi bahwa mereka tidak berdagang dengan cukup baik. Dan akan terus memberikan uang mereka ke broker, daripada belajar kebenaran tentang perdagangan sehari dan perdagangan yang sukses. Masih ada pedagang yang membawa pulang bonus menakjubkan ini. Kadang bahkan puluhan juta dalam beberapa bulan kerja Apa yang dilakukan supertrader ini untuk mencegah pembantaian finansial ini? Benar, mereka melakukan swing trading Swing Trading JAUH LEBIH MURAH 95 pedagang terbaik dunia tidak usah repot-repot berdagang di tangga 5 menit. Atau bahkan 30 menit. Karena mereka tahu bahwa semua kamu akan menemukan ada suara biasa. Bahkan tren dalam grafik rendah ini berumur pendek dan tidak layak untuk diikuti. Membayar 2 pips spread untuk menangkap pergerakan 20 pips - adalah 10 komisi yang Anda bayarkan bahkan sebelum Anda menghasilkan keuntungan. Tidak seperti membayar 2 pips spread untuk menangkap pergerakan 2.000 pips. Yang jauh lebih menguntungkan dan masuk akal. Tapi jika Anda mengayunkan perdagangan, Anda mengubah meja menjadi keuntungan Anda Apa arti perdagangan Swing untuk Anda: Tapi pertama, apa itu swing trading. Swing trading diperdagangkan pada grafik 4 jam dan harian, dan berfokus pada pergerakan pasar yang lebih besar. Seorang pedagang yang memperdagangkan ayunan mengambil keuntungan dari tren dan momentum yang besar, dan mampu menyingkirkan tren besar, seperti ini: Gbr. 1: 300 Pips dalam Perdagangan yang Kuat 179 orang saat ini melihat halaman ini Perdagangan Swing juga jauh lebih akurat dan harga yang bisa dipukul jauh lebih tinggi - Anda tidak perlu mengatasi sejumlah besar kebisingan yang harus dimiliki grafik 5 menit dan 15 menit. Dalam mengayunkan gambar jauh lebih jelas dan mudah dianalisis. Tidak hanya itu. Swing trading juga memakan waktu lebih sedikit Bahkan, biarpun Anda memiliki pekerjaan sehari-hari Anda bisa mengayunkan perdagangan tanpa masalah, dan bisa melihat grafik hanya sekali sehari Ini adalah keuntungan besar dari swing trading. Bayangkan bahwa: membuat tambahan atau bahkan pendapatan utama dari perdagangan, melihat grafik hanya sekali sehari Hal ini memungkinkan hanya tentang SIAPA untuk melakukan trading swing. Begitu Anda Memiliki ALAT YANG KUAT. Dan inilah yang akan saya berikan padamu Dalam 6 tahun terakhir, saya dan seorang pria berjuluk The Sniper telah bekerja dan menyempurnakan sistem rahasia untuk trading swing, yang mampu menghasilkan hingga 2.632 pips dalam satu perdagangan Kami Suka menyebutnya sebagai Elite Swing Trader. Elite Swing Trader adalah sistem perdagangan atas yang menghasilkan keuntungan dalam kerangka waktu yang lebih tinggi. Dengan menggunakan pola rahasia dan psikologi pasar, ia mampu menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan yang paling akurat dan tepat pada SETIAP Forex, Masa Depan atau Stok - dan hal itu hanya dengan 10-20 menit per hari Lupakan Indikator Lagging Lupakan semua baris Dan warna yang menghiasi layar Anda. Mereka hanya mencegah Anda melihat gambar sebenarnya. Elite Swing Trader memberi Anda alat untuk menganalisis secara objektif dan sistematis setiap pasangan dan menghasilkan sinyal perdagangan terdepan yang luar biasa, hanya dengan 10 menit sehari. Bahkan jika Anda masih memiliki pekerjaan sehari atau hanya ingin mencurahkan 10 jam sehari untuk melakukan trading, Elite Swing Trader akan memberi Anda sinyal yang akurat dengan hanya 10 menit per hari, mudah dan sederhana. Pergi ke ayunan perdagangan tidak alami bagi saya. Saya memulai, seperti banyak dari Anda, dalam perdagangan hari. Inilah kisah saya: Sejak saya mendengar tentang orang-orang yang menghasilkan uang dalam perdagangan, saya merasa bahwa ini pasti merupakan pekerjaan DREAM. Menghasilkan uang dari manapun di dunia. Tanpa atasan dan komitmen ke tempat kerja atau jam kerja. Saya membaca banyak tentang trading tapi saya kekurangan satu hal ... Pengalaman saya tahu bahwa untuk berdagang dengan baik saya harus mendapatkan beberapa pengalaman trading. Untuk merasakan pasar. Tapi bagaimana saya bisa mendapatkan pengalaman jika saya bekerja selama 10 jam sehari, saya sangat berharap bisa menggabungkan pekerjaan saya dengan trading. Dan akhirnya saya tahu tentang swing trading. Saya mulai fokus dan hanya menganalisis grafik 4 jam dan harian. Selama 6 tahun saya hanya berfokus pada grafik ini. Pada pergerakan besar pasar dan aksi para pemain besar. Dan saya menemukan bahwa perdagangan Swing jauh lebih mudah yang saya gunakan untuk berdagang dalam grafik 5 menit dan 15 menit saat saya memiliki waktu (terutama di malam hari), dan ini sangat sulit. Dalam kerangka waktu ini Anda harus memiliki presisi super dalam entri Anda dan satu kesalahan kecil atau respons yang terlambat dapat mengubah perdagangan yang menang menjadi bencana. Swing trading tidak seperti ini Sebenarnya, Anda memiliki banyak waktu untuk bereaksi bahwa bahkan jika Anda mengambil 30 menit untuk menganalisis perdagangan. Anda masih bisa membuat entri yang bagus dan bisa memiliki perdagangan yang sangat menguntungkan. Pedagang Swing Elite Sangat Sederhana Pedagang Elite Swing memberi Anda sistem sederhana dan mudah diikuti untuk menghasilkan uang di perdagangan Swing. Lupakan semua indikator kompleks dan banyak perhitungan. Dengan Pedagang Swing Elite Anda dapat memiliki sistem yang lengkap dan sederhana yang membawa Anda dari seorang pemula yang lengkap ke pedagang ayunan profesional. Tidak masalah jika Anda sudah menjadi trader yang menguntungkan atau pemula, Elite Swing Trader akan membawa trading Anda ke level berikutnya. 4: Perdagangan Akurat Lainnya. Bayangkan terbangun dengan ekstra 2.436 di akun Anda Inilah cara kerjanya: Langkah 1: Anda menganalisis pasar selama 5 menit, dan mencari pengaturan khusus yang akan kami ajarkan kepada Anda .. Langkah 2: Anda memasuki perdagangan .. Langkah 3: Anda mengambil keuntungan Dan Anda dapat melakukannya bahkan jika Anda masih bekerja di pekerjaan hari Anda Memulai trading dengan Pedagang Swing Elite SEKARANG: Ini adalah Kebebasan Sejati. Perdagangan selama 10, 15 jam per hari bukanlah kebebasan finansial sejati. Pedagang yang berjual beli jam ini tidak benar-benar bebas. Tidak peduli berapa banyak uang yang mereka hasilkan. Mereka hanya saling bertukar pekerjaan dengan pekerjaan lain, yang membayar sedikit lebih banyak. Tapi ketika Anda memulai trading swing Anda bisa melupakan jam-jam gila ini dan memulai HIDUP Dengan memusatkan perhatian hanya beberapa menit per hari dalam perdagangan - dan keuntungannya tetap besar, Anda akan mulai melihat kebebasan sejati apa. Mampu menikmati waktu luang Anda bersama keluarga dan teman Anda, berlibur, dan masih menghasilkan uang dalam perdagangan, dari manapun di dunia ini. Semua ini mungkin dilakukan dengan sistem Elite Swing Trading. Bayangkan membuat perdagangan seperti ini dan mengambil keuntungan mudah, saat Anda bersantai di pantai: Gambar. 5: 3 Baru-baru ini, Perdagangan Sangat Menguntungkan yang menghasilkan 16.582 dalam 4 hari Bukankah ini jenis gaya hidup yang Anda inginkan untuk hidup Jenis uang yang ingin Anda dapatkan Dan meskipun Anda tidak akan menyia-nyiakan jam di depan layar, tampak putus asa Untuk peluang, Anda tetap akan: Membuat Keuntungan AMAZING Elite Swing Trader dirancang untuk memberi sinyal perdagangan pada poin presisi tertinggi sehingga Anda dapat membuat ribuan pips secara harfiah dalam satu perdagangan Apakah Anda mulai melihat mengapa perdagangan ayun jauh lebih baik daripada perdagangan harian Setiap pemenang Adalah ukuran ratusan dan ribuan pips Anda tidak akan pernah bisa mencapai perdagangan semacam itu dalam perdagangan sehari, tidak menyebutkan scalping yang bahkan lebih buruk lagi. Lihat apa yang pelanggan kami katakan: Membuat Uang, Perdagangan Setelah Perdagangan Sejujurnya saya memiliki pengalaman buruk dengan kursus seperti ini. Kebanyakan dari mereka menjanjikan kepada Anda dunia namun gagal untuk memberikannya. Tapi yang ini adalah pengecualian. Im masih kagum dengan fakta bahwa metode sederhana seperti itu benar-benar bekerja dan menghasilkan uang, perdagangan demi perdagangan Dibuat 2K dalam 1 Perdagangan Saya membeli swingtrader Elite 2 hari yang lalu dan mendapat sinyal kemarin malam. Saya masuk perdagangan sesuai aturan dan tertidur. Keesokan harinya saya terbangun dengan tambahan 2K di akun saya. Terima kasih. ) Precise amp Leading Sinyal Memasukkan Anda ke Depan 95 Pedagang Pedagang ayun Elite memberi Anda entri yang paling tepat dan akurat, dengan lebih dari 80 hit rate Elite Swing Trader menunjukkan kepada Anda di mana harus masuk tepat sebelum pergerakan besar dan kapan Uang pintar bergabung dengan pasar Anda akan memanfaatkan momentum besar yang digunakan oleh bank dan institusi untuk berdagang. Lupakan perdagangan pergerakan kecil dan ambil keuntungan 10-15 pips dalam jangka waktu 5 kala kutu. Dengan Pedagang Swing Elite Anda secara praktis akan COPY the traedes dari bank-bank top dunia dan hedge fund Ingat ketika Euro jatuh 4.000 pips agsinst USD The Elite Swing Trader memberikan sinyal singkat yang tepat, 2 jam sebelum pergerakan luar biasa ini terjadi - dan para trader kami Menghasilkan ratusan ribu dolar, dari perdagangan ini saja. 9: 8,125 profit trading satu lot - trader kita trading hingga 10 lot dalam satu trade. Dengan keuntungan mencapai 80.125 dari perdagangan ini saja Semua pelanggan kami bisa masuk dan mendapatkan keuntungan dari perdagangan ini, mulai dari Rusia sampai AS dan Italia - karena Pedagang Swing Elite dapat diperdagangkan di seluruh dunia. Bayangkan bebas dari batas-batas negara dan rumah Anda dan mampu menghasilkan uang TIDAK ADA MANA DI MANA ANDA atau di tempat Anda tinggal. Dapatkan uang saat berlibur Tinggal di tempat yang paling indah dan eksotis di bumi Perjalanan kapan pun Anda mau, tanpa perlu khawatir dengan gaji atau gaji Anda Jika Anda menjawab YA untuk pertanyaan ini, daripada Elite Swing Trader hanya untuk Anda Usaha Minimum - Efek Maksimum Hidup adalah Bukan tentang bekerja, tentang HIDUP Apa gunanya menghasilkan banyak uang dalam perdagangan jika Anda tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk menghabiskannya Dengan Pedagang Swing Elite Anda tidak perlu khawatir tentang ini lagi. Sebenarnya-banyak teman saya memanggil saya LAZY, karena saya hanya menghabiskan 30-50 mninutes per hari di pekerjaan saya, saya masih menghasilkan lebih banyak uang daripada yang mereka dapatkan dalam pekerjaan 9 sampai 5 mereka -) Tapi katakanlah Anda masih Ingin menghasilkan lebih banyak uang - mungkin juga, karena Pedagang Swing Elite Bekerja pada Berbagai Mata Uang Pedagang Elite Swing adalah strategi perdagangan universal. Tidak seperti kebanyakan sistem yang bekerja hanya pada beberapa mata uang dan kerangka waktu. Pedagang ayunan elit berlaku untuk semua pasangan, jadi jika Anda menginginkan uang 10 kali lebih banyak, cukup belikan 10 mata uang lainnya. Elite Swing Trader masih akan membuat keuntungan gila hanya dengan sepasang APAPUN. Perdagangkan Shekel Israel Dengan Kesuksesan yang Besar Hanya dengan menulis email ini untuk memberi tahu Anda bahwa saya memperdagangkan sistem Anda dengan USDISR dan bekerja seperti pesona Ini adalah pasangan dengan volatilitas yang sangat tinggi (1000 pips per hari) dan saya melakukan pembunuhan Di atasnya .. Melemparkan Semua Sistem Lama saya ke luar jendela Sistem ini adalah salah satu sistem paling akurat yang pernah saya tukar, dan saya telah menguji beberapa hal. Lemparkan semua sistem lama saya ke luar jendela. Hanya berfokus pada Elite untuk saat ini. Live dan Earn seperti Trading King Bahkan jika Anda bukan trader yang baik saat ini, atau bahkan jika Anda belum pernah trading dan mendengar bahwa ada uang yang harus dilakukan di Forex, Elite Swiing Trader akan memberi Anda alat terbaik untuk meraih kesuksesan Forex. Inilah yang akan Anda temukan di sistem Elite Swing Trader: Rahasia tersembunyi tentang zona pembalikan pasar yang kuat Bagaimana cara melihat peluang trading terbaik Panduan A A untuk Z mengelola risiko dan uang Metode perdagangan yang paling mudah dan ampuh yang telah bekerja untuk setiap Pasangan selama berabad-abad Bagaimana mengkonfirmasi perdagangan untuk tingkat hit maksimum Metode paling kuat yang diperparah pedagang papan atas gunakan untuk memberi sinyal pada perdagangan dan entri waktu 3 alasan utama mengapa pedagang membuang uang dan cara mengatasinya Metode yang tepat yang menghasilkan sinyal presisi laser Tepat ketika uang pintar bergabung dengan pasar Perdagangan seperti hedge fund super-starfrom dari kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri Pentingnya Resiko: Reward dan mengapa Anda tidak bisa mendapatkan keuntungan tanpa memperhatikannya Bagaimana meramalkan pergerakan uang bodoh dan selalu menjadi Di depannya Teknik dan taktik swing trading bukanlah hal baru. Mereka dikenal oleh semua pedagang top dunia yang tidak repot-repot berdagang dalam jangka waktu yang kecil. Bank atau hedge-fund juga melakukannya: diperkirakan bahwa 89 perdagangan lompatan menguntungkan perdagangan ayunan dan hampir tidak ada perdagangan hari. Bergabunglah dengan klub elit pedagang terbaik dan paling canggih di dunia: Cocokkan Gaya Hidup Hal terbaik tentang pedagang Swing Elite adalah sesuai dengan gaya hidup Anda dengan sempurna Jika Anda hanya memiliki satu jam sehari untuk mencurahkan untuk trading atau ingin berinvestasi dan memaksimalkan Potensial, Anda akan menemukan bahwa Pedagang Swing Elite sesuai dengan kebutuhan Anda dan memungkinkan Anda menghasilkan keuntungan yang besar dan konsisten. Apakah Anda: Seorang pedagang yang mencari metode trading yang sistematis dengan sukses Pendatang baru yang mendengar bahwa Forex bisa menjadi bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan Seorang trader berpengalaman yang mencari keunggulan di pasar Seorang trader profesional yang mencari taktik perdagangan baru Perdagangan institusional yang ingin dilakukan Mendiversifikasi portofolionya Elite Swing Trader sesuai dengan gaya hidup Anda dan memungkinkan Anda untuk menggabungkan strategi pembayaran tinggi dan bernilai tinggi dengan hidup Anda Rahasia ini TIDAK Terbatas untuk Forex Metode trading yang akan Anda pelajari tidak terbatas pada Forex. Mereka memberi Anda keuntungan luar biasa dalam saham, futures dan obligasi dan pasar apa pun. Dari indeks Nikkei ke saham teknologi Nasdaq, taktik ayunan profesional ini akan memungkinkan Anda mengalahkan pasar dan menghasilkan perdagangan yang pro dengan mudah. Berikut adalah beberapa dari perdagangan terakhir kami: Apakah Anda sadar bahwa ini adalah sistem satu-of-a-kind yang bisa membuat Anda memperjuangkan keuntungan Jika Anda bosan dengan semua robot buruk yang merusak dan mengosongkan akun trading Anda .. Jika Anda bosan dengan sistem tertinggal yang memberi sinyal LATE .. Jika Anda bosan dengan BS Dan janji palsu .. Maka anda butuh Elite Swing Trader. Jangan buang sepeser pun lagi pada robot yang payah, alih-alih - ambil tindakan sekarang dan mulailah membuat keuntungan REAL Trade Stress-free with MAXIMUM Confidence Daytrading adalah usaha yang sangat menegangkan. Untuk berhasil di dalamnya Anda perlu melakukan tindakan cepat, berpikir cepat dan membeli atau menjual dengan sepersekian detik. Selain sangat sulit untuk mengeksekusi dengan benar, ini juga menyebabkan tingginya tingkat stres karena Anda berisiko menghasilkan uang dalam jumlah besar dan bisa kehilangan banyak uang SANGAT cepat. Swing trading tidak seperti ini. Setiap perdagangan membutuhkan waktu beberapa jam sampai beberapa hari sehingga tingkat stres Anda sangat berkurang. Anda tidak perlu mengambil keputusan cepat dan dapat meluangkan waktu untuk menganalisis dan mencapai keputusan yang benar. Tingkat risiko Anda kecil, dan tingkat hitung perdagangan ayunan jauh lebih tinggi. Semua ini membuat perdagangan jauh lebih mudah, lebih aman dan kurang menimbulkan stres. Sebagian besar pedagang yang melakukan swing trading juga lebih percaya diri dalam sistem mereka dan oleh karena itu mereka menghindari sebagian besar kesalahan trader pemula yang disebabkan oleh kurangnya kepercayaan diri. Pertanyaan dan Jawaban Apa yang saya perlukan untuk memulai trading Komputer dan koneksi internet. Apakah Sistem Anda Otomatis No. Elite Swing Trader adalah sistem perdagangan manual. Berapa banyak uang yang saya butuhkan untuk memulai trading Anda dapat memulai dengan hanya 100. Berapa Tingkat Menangnya Pedagang kami biasanya mencapai tingkat kemenangan 80. Cara Mengunduh Sistem Anda memiliki tautan langsung untuk mendownload paket dengan ucapan terima kasih. Halaman kamu Berapa Banyak Pips yang Anda Lakukan per Bulan Pedagang dan pelanggan membuat rata-rata 500-1000 pips per pasangan mata uang. Apakah Anda Menawarkan Dukungan Tentu saja. Tim dukungan kami hadir untuk memberi Anda dukungan cepat dan berkualitas tinggi. Tim kami akan melakukan apapun untuk memastikan Anda sukses dengan paket Elite Swing Trader. Dapatkah Anda Menjamin Keuntungan Dengan hukum kami tidak dapat menjamin keuntungan. Kita hanya bisa mengatakan bahwa banyak trader mendapatkan keuntungan dengan sistem ini dan jika Anda menjalankannya dengan benar, tidak ada alasan mengapa Anda tidak akan melakukan hal yang sama. Berapa banyak waktu yang saya perlukan untuk berdagang per hari Karena kita berdagang pada jangka waktu yang lebih tinggi, Anda bisa menghasilkan keuntungan dengan hanya 10 menit per hari. Jika Anda menginginkan lebih banyak keuntungan, Anda selalu bisa melakukan perdagangan lebih banyak. Setelah Anda mulai mengambil perdagangan yang sangat menguntungkan dengan Pedagang Swing Elite kepercayaan kepercayaan perdagangan Anda akan meningkat, perdagangan akan menjadi jauh lebih mudah dan pada akhirnya Anda akan memperoleh keuntungan yang jauh lebih tinggi. Yang terpenting: Anda akan sepenuhnya mengendalikan tujuan hidup dan keuangan Anda. Berhenti dipimpin oleh atasan Anda, lingkungan sekitar Anda dan tidak memiliki kendali atas hidup Anda. Dengan Pedagang Swing Elite Anda akhirnya akan berada di jalur cepat untuk mencapai kekayaan luar biasa dari perdagangan dan bisa mencapai tujuan keuangan Anda lebih cepat dari sebelumnya Tapi Anda Perlu Bertindak Sekarang Kami tidak di sini untuk menjual, kami hadir untuk membantu Anda melakukan perdagangan dengan sukses. Jadi tidak seperti kebanyakan vendor kami tidak akan terlihat benar setelah Anda membeli. Kami berkomitmen terhadap kesuksesan Anda dan ingin memberi Anda dukungan pelanggan sebaik mungkin, sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan jawaban instan atas pertanyaan Anda dan bisa berdagang dengan bimbingan trader profesional. Tapi untuk memberi dukungan tingkat tinggi tersebut kita harus membatasi jumlah paket yang kita jual. Saya tidak tahu berapa paket yang akan kita jual tapi ketika kita mencapai batas tertentu kita akan menutup situs. Kita mungkin bisa menjual lebih banyak lagi. Sistem hebat seperti ini pasti akan laku dengan sangat baik. Tapi kami tidak dapat memberikan dukungan yang baik dan cepat untuk ribuan pedagang, jadi kami telah memutuskan untuk membatasi dan fokus pada kualitas, bukan kuantitas. Jika Anda ingin bergabung dengan klub elit ini dan akhirnya menukar kebebasan finansial Anda tanpa bekerja selama 10 jam sehari, waktu aksinya. Dan tidak mahal juga. Strategi institusional Mmost menghabiskan setidaknya 5.000-10.000 untuk dikembangkan, dan strategi hedge fund lebih banyak lagi, dengan harga mencapai hingga ratusan ribu. Tapi kita tidak akan menawar strategi kita setinggi ini. Setelah semua niat kita untuk membawa sistem ini kepada semua orang, bahkan pemula pun pun bisa memanfaatkannya dan meroket keuntungannya. Anda dapat melakukan perdagangan dan menghasilkan keuntungan tak terbatas dengan Pedagang Swing Elite untuk harga terbatas dan diskon hanya 87 Biaya rata-rata malam rata-rata. Dapatkah Anda melompati kesempatan ini dan pergi keluar malam, mengetahui bahwa sistem ini akan mengubah hidup Anda Ini adalah Kesepakatan REAL Sisi Anda ADALAH REAL DEAL Saya telah memenangkan kembali biaya paket Elite dalam satu perdagangan cepat. Menunggu dengan cemas untuk paket trading Anda berikutnya Jika Anda sudah melihat bahwa ini adalah kesempatan unik, jangan ragu dan membelinya sekarang - kami memperkirakan paket akan dijual dengan sangat cepat, dan saat mereka pergi - semuanya berakhir. Untuk hanya 87 Anda akhirnya akan memiliki tepi Anda di pasar, begitu kuat satu-satunya masalah Anda akan menghabiskan keuntungan Anda Mulai berdagang dan hidup seperti pedagang raja dengan Pedagang Swing Elite: Harga Diskon Khusus: Hanya 147 87 Untuk Kesuksesan Trading Anda, P. S. Ini adalah kursus perdagangan yang paling menakjubkan yang akan Anda temukan, dan sejujurnya - saya tidak tahu berapa lama saya akan terus menjualnya. Jadi ambil tindakan dan pesan sekarang P. S.S. Alih-alih menunggu uang dari robot lain yang tidak berguna, habiskan uang Anda untuk sesuatu yang benar-benar BEKERJA. Pemerintah AS Diperlukan Sanggahan - Perdagangan Berjangka Futures Trading Futures and Options memiliki potensi imbalan yang besar, namun juga memiliki potensi risiko yang besar. Anda harus sadar akan risikonya dan bersedia menerimanya untuk berinvestasi di pasar berjangka dan opsi. Jangan berdagang dengan uang yang tidak bisa Anda rugi. Ini bukan ajakan atau tawaran untuk membeli futures atau opsi BuySell. Tidak ada perwakilan yang dibuat bahwa akun mana pun akan atau kemungkinan akan mencapai keuntungan atau kerugian yang serupa dengan yang dibahas di situs web ini. Kinerja masa lalu dari setiap sistem perdagangan atau metodologi tidak selalu menunjukkan hasil di masa depan. ATURAN CFTC 4.41 - HASIL KINERJA HIPOTHETIK ATAU SIMULASI MEMILIKI BATASAN TERTENTU. MELIHAT KINERJA KINERJA SEBENARNYA, HASIL YANG SIMULASI JANGAN MENYATAKAN PERDAGANGAN YANG BENAR. JUGA, SEJAK TRADES BELUM DIPERLUKAN, HASIL YANG DAPAT MEMILIKI BAWAH ATAU BAHAN YANG DIPERLUKAN UNTUK DAMPAKNYA, JIKA ADA, FAKTOR PASAR TERTENTU, SEPERTI KURANGNYA LIKUIDITAS. PROGRAM PERDAGANGAN SIMULASI DALAM UMUM JUGA TERTARIK FAKTA BAHWA MEREKA DITANDATANGANI DENGAN MANFAAT HINDSIGHT. TIDAK ADA REPRESENTASI YANG DIBUAT BAHWA SETIAP AKUN AKAN ATAU CUKUP UNTUK MENCAPAI KEUNTUNGAN ATAU KERUGIAN YANG SESUAI DENGAN MEREKA YANG DIMILIKI. Tidak ada perwakilan yang dibuat bahwa akun mana pun akan atau kemungkinan akan mencapai keuntungan atau kerugian yang serupa dengan yang ditunjukkan. Sebenarnya, ada perbedaan tajam antara hasil kinerja hipotetis dan hasil aktual yang kemudian dicapai dengan program perdagangan tertentu. Perdagangan hipotetis tidak melibatkan risiko finansial, dan tidak ada catatan perdagangan hipotetis yang dapat sepenuhnya memperhitungkan dampak risiko keuangan dalam perdagangan sebenarnya. Semua informasi di situs ini atau e-book yang dibeli dari situs ini hanya untuk tujuan pendidikan dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk memberikan saran keuangan. Setiap pernyataan tentang keuntungan atau pendapatan, yang diungkapkan atau tersirat, tidak mewakili jaminan. Perdagangan Anda yang sebenarnya dapat mengakibatkan kerugian karena tidak ada sistem perdagangan yang dijamin. Anda menerima tanggung jawab penuh atas tindakan, perdagangan, keuntungan atau kerugian Anda, dan setuju untuk memegang Pedagang Maritim Elite dan distributor resmi dari informasi ini yang tidak berbahaya dalam segala hal. Penggunaan sistem ini merupakan penerimaan atas persetujuan pengguna saya. Situs ini dan produk dan layanan yang ditawarkan di situs ini tidak terkait, berafiliasi, disahkan, atau disponsori oleh ClickSure atau merek lain yang ditampilkan di situs ini dan juga tidak diuji atau diuji oleh merek mana pun. Semua merek dagang, logo, dan merek layanan yang ditampilkan terdaftar dan atau Merek Dagang yang tidak terdaftar dari pemiliknya masing-masing. Setiap usaha telah dilakukan untuk secara akurat mewakili produk yang dijual melalui situs ini dan potensinya. Setiap klaim yang dibuat atau contoh yang diberikan diyakini akurat, bagaimanapun, tidak boleh diandalkan dengan cara apapun untuk membuat keputusan apakah akan membeli atau tidak. Setiap testimonial dan contoh yang digunakan adalah hasil yang luar biasa, tidak berlaku untuk pembeli rata-rata dan tidak dimaksudkan untuk mewakili atau menjamin bahwa setiap orang akan mencapai hasil yang sama atau serupa. Setiap individu sukses bergantung pada latar belakang, dedikasinya, keinginan dan motivasinya serta faktor lain yang tidak selalu dikenal dan terkadang di luar kendali. Tidak ada jaminan Anda akan menduplikat hasil yang dinyatakan di sini. Anda menyadari bahwa usaha bisnis memiliki risiko inheren atas hilangnya modal. Dengan memesan produk ini atau layanan produk terkait lainnya, Anda menyetujui semua yang tercantum di situs web ini dan di ClickSure Dalam beberapa kasus, aktor telah digunakan. Ini adalah sistem baru dan tidak ada hasil yang khas. Produk ini tidak menjamin pendapatan atau kesuksesan, dan contoh hasil pemilik produk dan orang lain tidak mewakili indikasi keberhasilan atau penghasilan di masa depan. Apakah Anda Disiapkan untuk Setel Ulang Keuangan Terbesar dalam Sejarah Pasar Global Pasar global akan berkontraksi dengan Sebuah langkah agresif dan kekerasan dalam waktu dekat. Banyak ekonom terbaik dunia saat ini memperingatkan gelembung pasar, masalah hutang dan kontraksi yang terus berlanjut di banyak bagian ekonomi global. Sebagai seorang pedagang aktif yang mengelola sejumlah aset yang relatif besar, saya menulis surat kepada Anda hari ini untuk menawarkan analisis lanjutan dan pelaporan terperinci mengenai peristiwa ekonomi global yang akan datang ini dan untuk menjelaskan mengapa informasi yang saya tawarkan sangat berharga bagi Anda. Banyak dari Anda adalah investor yang terampil dengan aset dalam jumlah agak besar yang perlu dikerahkan ke pasar dengan tepat. Bisnis saya, selama lebih dari 16 tahun, telah mengembangkan dan memberikan analisis dan laporan tepat waktu kepada investor seperti Anda untuk indeks pasar Emas, Minyak dan indeks pasar utama lainnya. Saya mengenal klien saya dengan baik dan saya diinvestasikan secara pribadi dalam kesuksesan mereka. Saran dan laporan analisis saya sangat penting bagi klien saya dalam membantu mereka mengembangkan solusi penyebaran aset yang tepat untuk semua perdagangan dan investasi mereka. Baru-baru ini, saya telah memperoleh satu set sumber daya baru, khususnya orang dalam Washington D. C yang juga merupakan analis pasar yang sangat terampil. Individu ini menghubungi saya di awal tahun 2014 untuk menjelaskan bahwa investor perorangan harus tahu apa yang akan terjadi di Amerika dan pasar global, dan aset mana yang harus diinvestasikan bersamaan dengan kapan perdagangan ini harus dilakukan. Orang ini mengatakan bahwa mereka telah mengikuti pekerjaan saya selama bertahun-tahun yang saya konfirmasikan dengan referensi silang email dan daftar pelanggan saya dan diberi tahu bahwa kualitas analisis saya, jangkauan global saya terhadap investor (lebih dari 87 negara), dan reputasi kepercayaan saya layak adalah Apa yang membuat keputusan mereka untuk bekerja sama yang saya sepakati sehingga kami dapat memberikan analisis pasar Global real-time terbaik mutlak yang tersedia di manapun. Individu ini adalah Master Pasar sejati ketika membahas titik balik kritis di pasar, ekonomi, dan memiliki wawasan bahwa 99 orang tidak memiliki akses. Tujuan dari usaha ini adalah untuk memastikan Anda mengetahui informasi, peristiwa kritis dan timinganalisis pasar dari analis internal dan analis Washington D. C. ini saat kami menavigasi melalui acara pasar di masa depan. Saat ini, Anda mungkin bertanya pada diri sendiri, apa yang membuat Master Pasar individu ini dan mengapa ini sangat penting bagi saya. Jawaban untuk pertanyaan ini sederhana saja. Dengan individu yang telah saya tangani, saya telah mengevaluasi keputusan perdagangan secara real-time dan juga menyelidiki latar belakang mereka untuk memastikan orang ini tidak berada di luar dinding, satu jenis panggilan yang tidak masuk akal. Selama lebih dari 12 bulan, saya telah melakukan evaluasi menyeluruh terhadap kemampuan, model perdagangan dan keterampilan mereka dengan modal sendiri. Saya juga telah menggali pengalaman hidup mereka untuk mencari tahu apa yang membuat orang ini berdetak dan memikirkan cara mereka melakukannya. Saya percaya individu ini memegang banyak kunci untuk memahami fluktuasi ekonomi global di masa depan yang akan segera terungkap. Karena usaha saya, penggunaan modal sendiri untuk membuktikan model perdagangan ini dan kenyataan bahwa sekarang saya bergantung pada individu-individu ini untuk mendapatkan wawasan dan informasi, saya yakin jenis informasi ini juga akan sangat berharga bagi para pedagang dan investor seperti Anda. TANYAKAN DIRI SENDIRI PERTANYAAN INI: Apakah Anda ingin lebih siap menghadapi pasar global yang dalam kekacauan Apakah Anda ingin memiliki akses ke analisis pasar Global berbasis real time yang analitis dan analitis, dan apa yang mungkin akan terjadi? Ingin melindungi aset Anda dan bersiap menghadapi semua jenis fluktuasi pasar Apakah Anda yakin ada beberapa orang yang telah mencapai keterampilan dan koneksi untuk menganalisis dan memperoleh keuntungan dengan benar dari hampir setiap peristiwa pasar global Sebelum menjawab pertanyaan ini, izinkan saya untuk meninjau beberapa Faktor kunci dan komponen analisis kami. Bagan ini, yang baru-baru ini memisahkan arus ekuitas dengan valuasi harga aset, adalah contoh utama dari apa yang harus dilihat di awal pasar yang berfluktuasi, atau koreksi pasar. Grafik ini menunjukkan bahwa ekuitas bergerak menjauh dari kelas investasi tradisional secara dramatis. Mengapa hal ini terjadi pada saat ini Jawabannya adalah orang dalam mengetahui lebih banyak daripada rata-rata trader. Perusahaan investasi terbesar di planet ini terhubung dengan sangat baik dan dengan hati-hati menghapus aset likuiditas dari pasar untuk melindungi diri mereka terhadap Fluktuasi Pasar Global. Harap perhatikan bahwa tingkat arus keluar adalah yang terbesar yang pernah ada sejak sebelum Januari 2013. Faktanya, sejak Februari 2015, arus keluar modal telah meningkat dengan pesat. Setiap arus keluar terus sepanjang sisa tahun 2015 akan menunjukkan TINDAKAN lebih jauh di pasar koreksi yang dalam. Seperti yang sudah Anda ketahui, penurunan likuiditas di pasar global menghadirkan hasil menarik dan berpotensi menghancurkan lainnya, kesempatan untuk acara tipe Flash-Crash. Karena likuiditas meninggalkan pasar, perubahan harga yang dalam bisa menjadi hiper-dipercepat oleh kurangnya keseimbangan likuiditas. Hal ini berakibat pada pergerakan yang bisa menjadi sangat fluktuatif dan berbahaya bagi mereka yang tidak siap. Margin perdagangan (tingkat redgreen pada tabel ini) adalah faktor lain yang mempengaruhi volatilitas pasar masa depan. Tidak pernah, dalam sejarah baru-baru ini akan kembali selama 30 tahun, telahkah kita melihat margin perdagangan global pada level seperti ini. Beberapa hari yang lalu saya mengulas sebuah artikel baru bahwa Chinas mencoba membuat pendaratan yang lembut untuk rebalancing ekonomi mereka kemungkinan akan lunak seperti mengambil pisau untuk daging sendiri. Dapatkah Anda membayangkan seperti apa pasar global di tengah jenis acara ini Komponen menarik lainnya dari tabel ini adalah representasi tingkat harga SP Monthly (berwarna biru). Seiring Fed AS terus memompa QE ke pasar global, orang dapat dengan mudah melihat tangga atau tangga-efek di tingkat tingkat margin lebih dalam dan lebih dalam lagi. Ini, kenaikan margin baru-baru ini yang paling negatif, kemungkinan besar terkait dengan pergerakan yang dilakukan oleh UE dan China. Banyak orang hanya tidak mengerti bagaimana mengintegrasikan ekonomi global pada saat ini dan bagaimana kontraksi kecil dapat mengakibatkan kontraksi global yang sangat dalam dan berkepanjangan. Bagan-bagan yang saya coba hadirkan sebagai faktor penting dan pembenaran untuk pertimbangan Anda terhadap Sistem Kekayaan Finansial Finansial Global kami yang baru hanyalah puncak gunung es dalam hal apa yang akan Anda terima. Knowledge Insight Skill Sistem Reset Finansial Global Jadi, mari kembali ke pertanyaan itu. Apakah Anda menjawab YA kepada salah satu dari mereka Apakah Anda merasa akan mendapatkan keuntungan dari analisis real-time yang terus berlanjut mengenai peristiwa pasar global Apakah Anda merasa perlu untuk mencoba melindungi aset Anda dan aset keluarga Anda di masa yang akan datang Sistem Pembebasan Finansial Global Adalah solusi terbaik untuk tujuan yang bisa saya tawarkan kepada Anda. Saya telah menghabiskan lebih dari 12 bulan bekerja dengan individu yang sangat terampil ini sambil menempatkan modal saya sendiri yang berisiko membuktikan model perdagangan dan belajar tentang apa dan bagaimana Cuci D. C Orang dalam mengetahui dan melakukan sesuatu. Singkatnya, saya percaya pada data yang disajikan, masuk akal dan jenis perdagangan yang diberikan memuji gaya trading dan portofolio saya sendiri sehingga saya dapat melindungi diri dan keluarga saya sebaik mungkin secara finansial. Apa yang kau dapatkan. Im menawarkan sejumlah individu (150 tepatnya) kemampuan untuk berbagi dalam analisis analisis dan analisis sistem analisis lanjutan ini. Dengan Sistem Pemulihan Keuangan Global, Anda akan menerima: Laporan Mingguan terperinci yang merinci pembuatan perdagangan, analisis pasar global dan analisis faktor kunci. Peringatan realtime (Harian atau yang diperlukan) tentang kejadian pasar kritis, pembuatan perdagangan dan lebih banyak akses ke Master Pasar dalam hal analisis, pemikiran, interpretasi dan komunikasi lainnya di dalam mereka. Akses ke 20 analisis Pasar Utama meliputi SP, INDU, NASDAQ, Emas, Minyak, Real Estat, Suku Fed, Indeks Global, Mata Uang, dan banyak lagi. Akses ke model perdagangan Market Master saya panggilan (yang mencakup banyak pasar ETF global yang memungkinkan Anda untuk memutar aset Anda ke dalam kelas aset yang tepat saat acara ini terungkap) GRATIS 1 oz Perputaran Perak Hanya 150 Wawancara yang Tersedia dengan Pasar MasterLennon meminta kami untuk membayangkannya. Tempat dimana hal-hal yang memisahkan orang (agama, harta benda, dll) tidak ada. Dia merasa itu akan menjadi tempat yang jauh lebih baik. Lagu ini adalah pesan politik yang kuat yang dilapisi gula dengan melodi yang indah. Lennon menyadari bahwa pendekatan yang lebih lembut akan membawa lagu ini ke khalayak yang lebih luas, yang diharapkan akan mendengarkan pesannya. Lennon kemudian merasa bahwa lagu ini seharusnya merupakan kolaborasi LennonOno. Dia mendapat ide awal dari buku Yokos Grapefruit. Yang merupakan buku petunjuk, dengan hal-hal seperti Imagine the sky menangis. Atau Bayangkanlah kamu awan Beberapa orang bertanya-tanya apakah Lennon memasukkan pesan ke dalam video untuk lagu ini juga. Dalam video tersebut, Lennon berpakaian seperti koboi dan Yoko Ono berpakaian seperti orang India. Ini bisa menjadi semacam pesan tentang semua budaya yang ada. Saran kredit: Adam - Dewsbury, Inggris, untuk di atas 2 Lennon menulis ini pada piano tegak Steinway cokelat. Pada tahun 2000, George Michael membayar lebih dari 2 juta untuk piano yang Lennon tulis ini, dan kemudian mengembalikannya ke museum Beatles di Liverpool. Johns piano sejak saat tur ke berbagai lokasi dunia mempromosikan perdamaian. Pendengar Churlish punya masalah dengan garis kepemilikan, menemukan Lennon munafik karena dia sangat kaya. Yoko Ono berbicara dalam wawancara 1998 dengan Uncut. Di mana dia menyatakan tentang niat suaminya: Dia dengan tulus berharap bahwa akan ada saat ketika kita semua dapat merasa bahagia tanpa terlalu terobsesi dengan barang-barang material. Sebuah mosaik trotoar menguraikan kata Imagine di bagian Central Park yang didedikasikan untuk Lennon. Daerah itu disebut Strawberry Fields, dan terletak di seberang apartemen Lennons tempat dia ditembak. Ini tidak dirilis sebagai single di Inggris sampai tahun 1975, saat dipukul 6. Tak lama setelah kematian Lennons pada tahun 1980, album ini dirilis kembali di Inggris dan dipukul 1. Telah diganti pada tanggal 1 oleh Lennons Woman, yang menandai pertama kalinya Seorang seniman menggantikan dirinya sendiri di atas tangga lagu Inggris sejak The Beatles mengikuti Dia Menyukai Anda dengan Saya Ingin Menahan Tangan Anda. Ini dikreditkan ke The Plastic Ono Band, nama yang digunakan Lennon untuk beberapa rekamannya setelah meninggalkan The Beatles. Ringo Starr memainkan drum untuk ini dan Klaus Voorman memainkan bass. Pada tanggal 21 September 2001, Neil Young melakukan ini untuk keuntungan telethon bagi para korban serangan teroris terhadap Amerika. Hampir 60 juta orang menyaksikan acara khusus di AS. Pada penghargaan 2001 khusus untuk Lennon, Yolanda Adams menyanyikan ini dengan Billy Preston di organ. Preston memainkan keyboard pada beberapa lagu Beatles, termasuk Get Back. Oasis menggunakan intro piano pada lagu 1996 mereka Dont Look Back In Anger. Pada tahun 2002, ini masuk dalam sebuah polling oleh Guinness World Records sebagai single favorit Britains sepanjang masa. Itu hilang dari Bohemian Rhapsody oleh Queen. Ini telah ditutupi oleh banyak band, termasuk Our Lady Peace, dan versi yang sangat kencang dari A Perfect Circle. Jack Johnson mencatatnya untuk kompilasi 2007 Instan Karma: Kampanye Amnesty Internasional untuk Menyelamatkan Darfur. Saran kredit: Jeffrey - Victoria, Kanada Lagu ini berperan dalam film Forrest Gump. Gump (diperankan oleh Tom Hanks) muncul di talk show dengan Lennon, berbicara tentang tempat di mana tidak ada harta benda dan tidak ada agama. Ini menyiratkan bahwa Gump memberi Lennon ide untuk lagu ini. Beberapa berspekulasi bahwa lagu ini berisi pesan mundur. Dengan telinga yang tajam dan imajinasi yang besar, Anda hampir tidak bisa melihat kata-kata perang rakyat disamping saya saat membalikkan garis Bayangkan semua orang. Saran kredit: Spencer - Los Angeles, CA Pada tanggal 13 September 1980 Elton John mengadakan konser gratis di New York Central Park, yang diakhiri dengan lagu ini. Pertunjukan ini tiga bulan sebelum Lennons menjelang kematian sebelum memainkan lagu yang Elton katakan, Ini untuk teman baik saya yang tidak tinggal terlalu jauh dari sini, jadi mari kita nyanyikan dengan cukup keras agar dia bisa mendengarnya (Lennon tinggal beberapa blok saja. Dari bagian Central Park). Elton yang flamboyan membawakan lagu itu mengenakan pakaian Donald Duck. Saran kredit: Chris - Philly, PA Lennon mengatakan lagu ini sebenarnya adalah Manifesto Komunis. Itu biasanya yang terakhir kita lihat dari kutipan itu, tapi Lennon menambahkan: walaupun saya bukan seorang komunis dan saya bukan anggota gerakan apapun. Komentar: Adam - Mechanicsburg, PA Lagu ini kembali lagi ke Hot 100 tiga kali pada akhir tahun 2000an, berkat versi cover dari Jack Johnson (90, 2007), David Archuleta (36, 2008) dan The Glee Cast (67, 2009 ). Musisi jazz Herbie Hancock mencatat ini sebagai inti dari Imagine Project-nya. Versinya menampilkan Jeff Beck, Pnk, Seal, India. Arie, Konono N1 dan Oumou Sangar. Menurut Yoko Ono, yang menguasai hak atas musik John Lennons, permintaan yang paling sering didapatnya berasal dari musisi yang ingin merekam lagu ini tapi juga mengubah agama No, juga lirik - permintaan yang selalu dia tolak. Jadi, apakah ini berarti Anda bisa merekam lagu apapun, tapi Anda perlu izin khusus untuk mengganti liriknya. Intinya, iya. Alex Holz di perizinan musik dan penyedia layanan royalti Limelight menjelaskan kepada kami: Seniman dapat diberikan beberapa kelonggaran dalam mengadaptasi lagu dengan gaya band Anda (asalkan Anda tidak mengubah karakter dasar dari karya itu), meskipun perubahan-perubahan format lirik biasanya memerlukan secara langsung Izin dari penerbit sebagai karya turunan. Setiap penulis lagupublishersong unik dan beragam persyaratan. Ini adalah lagu terakhir yang diputar di WABC sebelum beralih dari format Top 40 untuk berbicara radio. Berbasis di New York City, WABC selama puluhan tahun merupakan stasiun radio AM teratas di negara ini. Mereka berdebat panjang dan sulit memutuskan lagu mana yang harus menjadi perpisahan mereka. Saran yang menarik dari lagu ini berlangsung di Paris pada tanggal 14 November 2015 di teater Bataclan, di mana 89 orang tewas oleh orang-orang bersenjata dalam serangan teroris pada malam sebelumnya. Pianis Jerman Davide Martello membawa piano besarnya ke bioskop, dan memainkan lagu tersebut saat orang banyak berkabung di luar tempat pertunjukan. Selama beberapa hari berikutnya, Martello membawa piano ke setiap lokasi di Paris di mana serangan terjadi, membawakan lagu tersebut sebagai penghargaan. Ketika Nike menggunakan lagu Beatles Revolution pada tahun 1987 iklan TV, Yoko Ono bergabung dengan anggota band yang masih bertahan dalam menuntut perusahaan tersebut. Dalam persidangan, terungkap bahwa Yoko hadir dalam iklan TV Jepang untuk perusahaan telepon tempat Imagine bermain. Menurut dokumen pengadilan, dia mengizinkan penggunaan lagu tersebut dan dibayar sekitar 400.000. Kasus Revolusi menyatukan the Beatles dalam penolakan mereka untuk memiliki lagu yang digunakan dalam iklan, terutama karena mereka tidak mengendalikan hak - Capitol Records dan Michael Jackson melakukannya. Komentar: 290 Balap yang tidak ternilai namun tanpa batas waktu Terima kasih kepada ayah saya yang masih menjadi penggemar Beatles, saya menghangatkan mereka di masa remaja saya Martin - Nairobi, kenya Pada tanggal 13 Juni 1975, John Lennon memberikan penampilan TV terakhirnya saat dia tampil. Di film dokumenter ABC-TV khusus A Salute to Sir Lew Grade. Ia membawakan dua lagu Imagine and Little Richards Slippin dan Slidin. Tiga setengah tahun yang lalu pada tanggal 17 Oktober 1971 Bayangkan masuk ke chart Billboard Hot Top 100 pada 20 dan baru tiga minggu kemudian puncaknya akan mencapai puncaknya pada 3 dan tinggal di grafik selama 9 minggu. Rekor berikutnya setelah Sir Lew spesial akan (Just Like) Starting Over mencapai 1 di Top 100 pada 21 Desember 1980 dan menghabiskan hampir setengah tahun di chart. Semoga dia R. I.P. . Barry - Sauquoit, Ny Bayangkan apa saja yang akan diberikan oleh MAGIC John lainnya kepada kami jika dia tidak terbunuh begitu tragis. Salah satu yang terbesar sepanjang masa dan tidak pernah dilupakan. Jenny - Australia Pada tanggal 9 September 1971, John Lennon dan Yoko Ono menjadi tamu di acara ABC-TV The Dick Cavett Show. Dan pada hari yang sama, Apple Records merilis album studio kedua John Lennons, Imagine, dan pada tanggal 24 Oktober 1971 album ini mencapai puncak tangga lagu di tangga lagu Billboard Top 200 Albums chart. Lagu Imagine memasuki chart Billboard Hot Top 100 pada tanggal 17 Oktober 1971 di posisi 20 dan tiga minggu kemudian pada tanggal 7 November 1971, puncaknya mencapai 3 dan menghabiskan 9 minggu di Top 100. Semoga Pak Lennon R. I.P. . Barry - Sauquoit, Ny Bayangkan betapa sulitnya membayangkan tidak ada posses ketika nilai pribadi ada di sekitar setengah miliar dolar. Esskayess - Dallas, Tx Dalam pikiran saya, Imagine adalah lagu terbaik sepanjang karir Lennons, baik sebagai Beatle atau sebagai artis solo. Jake - Burke, Va Imajinasi kolektif spesies kita menghasilkan kejadian aktual dan mewujudkan takdir kita sendiri. Ilmu pengetahuan telah membuktikan bahwa tingkat kesadaran atas kita terkait dan semakin banyak orang yang menyadari kebenaran dan kekuatan realitas, sisa spesies ini berkembang. Fakta: Anda memiliki receiver dan pemancar yang terhubung dengan neuron Anda yang menggetarkan pola energi ke seluruh alam semesta. Jika semakin banyak orang mulai membayangkan dunia tanpa politik, agama, pembunuhan dan hanya harapan dan kedamaian, maka kita mencapai apa yang kita rasakan. John Lennon adalah seorang nabi proporsi epik dan mengerti bagaimana spesies kita berkembang. Masa depan adalah milik kita jika memilih untuk naik di atas ego dan hanya menghasilkan pemikiran positif dan langsung mengenali yang negatif. Selamat mencoba dunia John Lennon sedang menunggu kita untuk memahami pesan aslinya. Lagu Donna - Newtown, Pa Amazing. Sangat cantik. Beginilah seharusnya dunia kita. Lada - Zelenograd. Federasi Rusia Di Australia minggu terakhir bulan Desember sangat beruntung bagi The Beatles. Minggu terakhir bulan Desember 1963 Saya Ingin Menahan Tangan Anda berada di 1. Pada tahun 1964, saya Merasa Baik. Dan pada tahun 1968 Hey Jude ada di 1. Kemudian pada tahun 1969 mereka melewatkan satu minggu Elvis Mencurigakan Pikiran adalah 1 pada minggu terakhir bulan Desember tahun itu (Sesuatu adalah minggu sebelumnya). The Beatles bubar pada tahun 1970 tapi selama minggu terakhir bulan Desember 1972 Bayangkan oleh John Lennon adalah 1. R. I.P. Untuk John, George, dan Elvis. Barry - Sauquoit, Ny War Vietnam John Lennon sekarang melihat kehidupan sebagai pemuda yang sedang jatuh tempo. Liriknya di album ini di Oh My Love memberitahumu di mana dia melihat angin, aku melihat pepohonan ada di duniaku. Dia merasa hidup dan sebagai seorang penyair mengekspresikan kepada kita keintiman hidup. Bayangkan adalah sebuah harapan sebuah aspirasi Tidak ada perang yang tidak memiliki alasan mengapa manusia membenci dan membunuh. Dia telah mengalami kekayaan dan masa kecil yang sederhana. Dia tahu bahwa jawaban mengapa kami di sini jauh lebih besar daripada memiliki Rolls Royce or House in The Country yang putih. Tentu saja dia menginginkan kenyamanan di rumah, tapi dia hidup dengan sederhana berpikir dengan aman di akomodasi yang aman sepadan dengan posisi masyarakat berisiko tinggi. Lagu yang diciptakan dari Yoko Imagine dari bukunya Grapefruit mendukung sebuah dunia tanpa senjata perang dan orang gila yang menjalankan dunia. Dia tahu bahwa kami membutuhkan wanita yang bebas untuk membuat dunia menjadi tempat yang lebih baik - untuk menyembuhkan melunakkan agresi pria. Ini bukan tentang ateisme sedikit tentang AGAMA yang menggunakannya sebagai alat untuk membenci bukan CINTA. Dia suka kita bertanya-tanya apa yang menciptakan segala sesuatu yang penting dalam seluruh hidup kita. Dia tidak memiliki jawaban hanya mengajukan pertanyaan. Ketika datang di Olimpiade London 2012, itu membuat saya tersadar air mata membanjiri wajah saya - entah bagaimana bahwa pria dari Liverpool telah menjadi seorang nabi sebagai Santo Yohanes dari Liverpool. Gary - Cardiff, Inggris Kami memilih tidak ada musik untuk kelahiran anak laki-laki Jack yang cantik saat memasuki dunia di sound system ruang persembah lagu yang indah ini. Sebuah lagu spesial oleh seorang manusia istimewa di sebuah tempat khusus pada waktu yang sangat istimewa, lagunya memegang tempat yang sangat istimewa untukku dan untuk Jack yang sekarang berusia 10 tahun. Terima kasih John. John - Coolum Baech, Australia Jika kita semua bayangkan, tapi temukan rahasia perilaku kita. Lalu kita selesaikan diri kita sendiri. Coba coba. Untuk apa yang kita lihat harus menjadi persaudaraan kita. Ingat. Kimberly - Landing, Nj Imagine, Betapa Dunia yang indah, Blowin in the Wind, Amazing Grace dan beberapa lagu lainnya masih memberi saya kedinginan setiap kali saya mendengarnya. Christopher - Boston, Ma Ini adalah salah satu lagu pop paling overrated dalam sejarah. Lagu kebangsaan hippy ini suram dan bukannya mengangkatnya dengan liris dan mudah kusam. Hugh - Phoenix, Az Lagu yang indah. Dan niat baik. Sayang sekali ini tentang komunisme dan salah arah. Mans jahat tidak dimulai dengan bangsa, harta benda atau agama. Kami saling mencuri dan saling membantai dengan baik sebelum ada hal-hal yang ada. Kami memulai hal-hal untuk mencoba dan MENGUBAH itu. Tujuan kami bukan untuk memiliki negara NO. Tujuan kami adalah untuk memiliki satu bangsa. Mungkin pada hari itu, kita akan memiliki kedamaian. Shawn - Green Bay, Wi hidup n hidup dalam damai akan menjadi indah. Tapi sedih mengatakan bahwa persaudaraan tidak memiliki konsep yang sama. Kimberly - Landing, Nj Lagu ini hebat, liriknya sangat kuat namun tenang, melodi itu abadi dan meski beberapa kritik, pesannya benar-benar positif. Jika Anda mengambil kata-kata dalam lagu ini sesuai definisi buku teks mereka dan menolak untuk membaca di antara garis-garis itu daripada Anda mungkin tersinggung dan tidak pernah benar-benar mengerti gambaran besarnya. Luangkan waktu sejenak untuk memikirkan hidup di dunia seperti yang dibayangkan oleh John Lennon dalam lagu ini, ambil Material Possessions (kekayaan, status, keserakahan, iri, dll.) Agama (perang suci, terorisme, penganiayaan agama dll.) Negara-negara ( Perang, tirani, penindasan dll.) Jika dunia benar-benar hidup sebagai satu-satunya tanggung jawab Anda adalah bangun dan bernafas, nikmati hidup Anda. Robert - Virginia Beach, Va Imagine adalah lagu yang sangat istimewa. Sulit bagi saya untuk memeriksanya karena itu bukan lagu favorit saya John Lennon namun saya yakin itu mungkin yang paling hebat. Ini adalah lagu pemersatu yang disukai dan dinyanyikan orang di seluruh dunia. Bahkan ketika saya mendengar akord pembuka itu, pikiran saya berhenti dan saya menjadi sangat berkabut. Ini benar-benar lagu yang dalam. Benar-benar salah satu klasik terbesar yang pernah ditulis oleh siapa pun. Chelsea Girl - Cleveland, Oh Imagine and Christianity Lies paling baik dipercaya saat Anda mencampur sedikit kebenaran dengan mereka. Lennons pencampuran kebenaran dan non kebenaran pada penampilan pertama memberi beberapa kepercayaan pada lagunya Imagine. Bayangkan tidak ada surga. Mereka yang percaya bahwa Yesus adalah Tuhan tidak dibebani olehnya namun dibebaskan oleh dia dari hal-hal duniawi. Yesus mengajari kita untuk menyeka debu dari kaki kita sebagai bukti melawan orang-orang yang tidak percaya Firman Tuhan untuk tidak menyakiti orang-orang yang tidak beriman. Lennon mengemukakan bahwa agama bertanggung jawab atas tindakan manusia yang tidak manusiawi terhadap sesama manusia. Meskipun ini mungkin benar bagi mereka yang memiliki konsep agama mereka yang terpelintir, ini tidak benar bagi orang Kristen sejati. Bayangkan tidak ada barang. Anda mungkin juga membayangkan tidak ada makanan karena cukup banyak itu tidak berasal dari bumi tanpa kita menumbuhkannya dengan mesin. Anda juga mungkin ingin membayangkan tidak ada atap di atas kepala atau pakaian Anda saat Anda kembali. Saya lebih memilih untuk tidak membayangkan dunia yang miskin karena kekurangan kebutuhan dasar manusia. Ini adalah bagian dari kondisi manusia yang ingin lebih - Lennon sendiri mencontohkan peraturan ini. Membayangkan tidak ada surga yang lebih dari sekadar kekosongan iman, itu adalah kehampaan harapan. Keinginan baik kita tidak akan pernah mengubah hati manusia. Mengapa begitu? Hanya Tuhan yang bisa membuat transformasi ini dan jika Anda tidak percaya kepadanya maka Anda tanpa harapan dan tanpa iman. Negara bukan penyebab pertumpahan darah mereka akibat pertumpahan darah. Kekerasan yang dilakukan melampaui keberadaan perbatasan. Ini adalah hasil dari budaya, ketakutan dan kurangnya bimbingan moral dan spiritual yang sejati. Ra - Nyc, Ny God memberkati Lennon, saat ia menunjukkan fotonya melalui musik di dalam jiwa. Kimberly - Landing, selamat ulang tahun ke 71 John Lennon Mecid - Baku, Azerbaijan Ini sangat indah Setiap kali saya mendengar piano pada awalnya, itu membuat saya ingin menangis. Aku benar-benar mencintai lagu ini :) Anda mungkin mengatakan Im seorang pemimpi, tapi Im bukan satu-satunya. Lyrcis menakjubkan dan John Lennon adalah seorang freakin genius. Megan - Stevenson, Al When Neil Young meliput lagu ini, tepat setelah tahun 911, dia mengubah liriknya menjadi Imagine no possessions, saya bertanya-tanya apakah saya bisa. Dengan cara ini, Young mengakui kekayaannya sendiri. Orang-orang mengklaim bahwa Young membawa Lennon turun dari kudanya yang tinggi, dalam artian orang berpikir bahwa John menyiratkan bahwa dia berada di atas orang lain, bahwa dia bisa membayangkan semua hal ini. Saya tidak percaya itu benar. Fakta bahwa Young meliput lagu ini (daripada menyanyikan salah satu lagu perdananya sendiri) mengatakan bahwa dia menganggapnya inspirasional pada saat Amerika merasa terluka. Saya pikir dia mengubah lirik itu untuk mengekspresikan sikap ambigunya terhadap kekayaan. Dan rendition nya cantik nya. Rocco - New York City, Ny Bayangkan tidak ada surga, mudah jika Anda mencoba, tidak ada neraka di bawah kita, di atas langit kita hanya di langit. Mengapa Anda ingin membayangkan tidak ada surga? Surga adalah satu-satunya tempat di mana utopia Johns ini ada. Ini tidak lebih dari sebuah Bayangkan tidak ada Tuhan dan kita semua bisa melakukan apa yang kita sukai - nyanyian. Orang terlalu egois untuk eksis bersama secara harmonis tanpa hukum dengan sanksi. Izinkan saya mengutip lagu Keith Green yang menceritakannya bagaimana ini. .. jadi banyak yang menertawakan Yesus, sementara hal paling lucu yang dilakukan-Nya, adalah cinta dunia yang keras kepala dan memberontak ini, sementara kebencian mereka kepada-Nya terus berlanjut. Tuhan ingin menyelamatkan Anda dari dosa-dosa Anda dan membawa Anda ke surga, tidak bergabung dengan agama. Yohanes baru saja membayangkan surga. Ironis. Steven - Bundaberg, Australia Anda tahu bahwa Anda bisa memainkannya di Rock Band 3, benar Michael - Deridder, La john Lennon adalah orang suci yang hanya menginginkan setiap orang untuk menjadi setara. Dia truley adalah orang suci. Jessica - Kannapolis, Ne Saya sangat menyukai lagu ini dan memiliki banyak makna bagi saya (strip dunia dan semua manusia agama, pemerintahan, uang, keserakahan, dll dan kita semua sama-sama berusaha menciptakan kehidupan di dalam sifat ibu ) Namun menurut Geoffery Givlian dalam bukunya, Lennon in America, John Lennon mengatakan, Imagine adalah lagu anti-agama, anti-nasionalistik, anti-konvensional, anti-kapitalistik, namun karena dilapisi gula, ia diterima. Korina - Stanton, Mi Saya tidak melihat Bayangkan saat Johns mencoba untuk mendorong rezim komunis atau semacamnya. Saat dia mengatakan untuk membayangkan hidup tanpa semua hal yang membelah kita. religion, wars, etc. he was hoping that the listener would instead start focusing on all the things we have in common with our fellow human beings who populate this planet with us. As long as were focusing on the ways we are different and ignoring all the ways we are alike, we can never reach a true peace with each other. We continue to sort and section off various cultures for exclusion of some sort. Shepurrs - Charlotte. Nc No one ever wrote a more beautiful song Jim - Boulder, Co If anyone else out there has read Animal Farm by George Orwell, put this song on your customized soundtrack to it. it goes perfectly with Major the pigs vision. Charlie - Las Vegas, Nv All he is doing is trying to inspire people. Inspire Peace. Make the world as one. Make everyone as one. John Lennon was a great man. I am a dreamer. Thebeatles - Areawesome, Al once i heard this song ive got a peacefull feeling Jake Zamoras - Pagadian, Philippines One thing that bothers me is that when Lennon got killed a lot of people were upset because it meant no possible Beatles reunion. This angers me because people should be upset that a young non violent man that had a wife and children and was against violence had to die like this. Lennon was in his 40s I forget exactly what age he was but he was in his his 40s I dont care if you are a Beatles fan or not this is an event that should anger everyone. I think that dead musicians tend to be lumped together. Jimmy Hendrix Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin all died of drug overdoses. Kurt Cobain Killed himself. Lennon however was not responsible for his own death. I have trouble thinking about this because it makes me so angry. Even the wrap starsI dare not call them musicians that died violently should not be put in the same catagory as Lennon. Most of the Wrappers came from a life of violen ce and still associated themselves with the low lifes from their past. I am actually glad that the Beatles never got back together. They went out on top. Too many bands stay together that should not Brian - Boston, Ma John Lennon wrote many more songs that are much better than this It is amazing to me how this is the first song most people associate with him. Much in the same way Hey Jude is the first song associated with the Beatles. I find it hard to believe that anyone that is a real Beatles fan could consider these songs among their best. I encourage everyone to fimiliarize themselves with all of the Beatles music and not to be limited by the overplayed selections of an oldies station. Brian - Boston, Ma Imagine. Lennons Let it be. Tobias - Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic I agree with Adam, New Orleans. John wasnt an atheist or a comunist, he just was against war and wanted peace. He beilved that God was different for differnt people. Breanna - Henderson, Nv I only wish that one day the song could be renamed from quotImaginequot to reality. That one day we will all reach out to one another and know that we arent here alone. There are billions of people in this world. why cant we all just help one another out Why cant we just live in peace. I only wish that the world could see itself through the eyes of John Lennon. A legend forever in my eyes. Modest Mouse - Provo, Ut Yeah, John Lennon wasnt an Atheist. He was a Christian. So before you go spouting quotjon lenen wuz a athyist hurp durp. quot do some research. This song wasnt meant to be Communist at all, it just happened to come off that way. If you actually think about it, this song fits Anarchism a lot better. Communism still divides areas as countries. Anarchism is the complete lack of government or political system, which means only geographical areas, not politically defined areas. Anyway, thats not what this song is about anyway. This song is just asking people to think. It seems like nobody thinks anymore, everyone just accepts their life and what they are told. Just live your life, and allow others to live theirs. Adam - New Orleans, La I almost cried. Jessica - Chisago, Mn This is just a beautiful song. There isnt anything else I can really say about it except that I love it, and that Lennon is dearly missed. Kim - Wadsworth. Oh Lennon was complex. IMAGINEs melody is soft but his words are heavy, POWERFUL. Lennon was a walking contradiction and he wanted it that way. His influence over the years with the Beatles illustrates this point: just when you think youve figured them (Beatles)out, they changed directions musically, philosophically, spiritually, politically. I dont agree with his politics (assuming I understand his politics) but he seems to be the only musician celebrity to transcend generations that I know. We cant figure him out but we love him. quotImagine theres no heaven, its easy if you try. quot I cant imagine it and I get pissed when I hear him sing that, yet he seems so sincere that without heaven (and therefore, Hell) wed be in a much better place. Love the tune, dont understand the message completely and dont be fooled by those who THINK they know. Impossible. Too complex for us. Brian - Pittsburgh, Pa This is not Lennons best song, but its beautiful. So simple and inspiring. Aku menyukainya. Nat - Kolkata, India This is an amazingly beautiful and inspiring song. Jess - Seattle, Wa I was listening to the Radio years ago. A man was telling a story of an Englishman on trial for drug possession and facing deportation. When the accused was given his chance to speak, he said that it was ridiculous that some should have the power to expel a man from a country because he possessed and used a herb. This man began to question the validity of power structures, justice, the law. He used the opportunity to invite all those who had ears to listen to imagine something different than what is. He pulled from his pocket a white handkerchief and proposed the formation of a new nation for which this traditional symbol of surrender would be its flag. It would be a nation not under God, but free of one. A nation that recognized the notion quotprivate propertyquot to be nothing more than feeble attempt to sanctify hubris, and so would have none. He said he knew that imagining such a place would be hard, but asked all those listening to try and imagine this place. I listened to this narrative and it was revealed that this is what took place at the trial of John Lennon when he was busted for pot. It was suggested that this became the inspiration for his song, quotImaginequot. I dont know if this is true, but I can see how it could have been. Imagine being threatened with being banished from your adoptive country for smoking a weed Imagine all the people in prison right now because of some people feel it just to legislate morality How can we let this be David - Greenwich, Ct While preparing for my sons memorial service, I ran across this song title on a list of proposed songs for a funeral. It just goes to show how many people think its a really sweet song without actually thinking through the lyrics. On the other side, many people think Lennon drew a picture of hopelessness and despair, justifying their quoteat drink and be merry, for tomorrow we diequot philosophy. Overall, it made John a lot of money, but it doesnt appear to have been an influential song in the way he wanted. Oh, well. Its not as if hes looking down from heaven, getting all depressed about it. He cant even compare himself to Jesus, anymore. Dead is dead, right Keith - Papillion, Ne Its sad that somebody has to go shoot the man because he expressed what he beleived. John, we miss you Tyler - Greeneville, Tn This song is the focus of the WKRP in Cincinnati episode where Mr. Carlson is faced with the dilemma of listening to the organization called CURB (Clean Up Radio Broadcasting) and removing the song from their play list or taking a stand against censorship. He decides to play quotImaginequot and other rock and roll classics that the organization demands he ban. When the president of CURB reads the lyrics to quotImaginequot he calls it communistic and puts it on his list of songs that would negatively influence the youth. John - Grand Island, Ny Hey Alif, I dont think Johns discribing hevan, seeing as the first line of the songs Imagine theres no hevan Anyway, this is a beautiful song and is just timeless the world really needs a John Lennon right now, Imagine if he were still around(no pun intended). Breanna - Henderson, Nv i hate how people are being so negative. the point of the song is imagining how different the world would be if there was none of this. and, yeah, the millionaire talked about having no possessions. LIKE YOU DONT. K - Nowhere, On Sorry about your poetry contest Tay from San Diego, I realize your frustration. The reason they didnt quotget itquot is because theyre too afraid to change the channel from the christian rock station, so they wouldnt know anything about this song. Even if they had taken a chance and listened to the world outside their little shelter, they still would hate the sing because they wouldnt understand the quotno religion tooquot thing was all hypothetical. Theyll refuse to listen to anything that makes them question their religion, or even imagine a world without it, for just a second. And this is all coming from a christian, just one who doesnt support the fundamentalist dogma seen in most Christian schools today. Brad - Lexington, Ky Tears fill my eyes as I read some of the hateful comments posted here by certain idiots who are unfortunately exactly the kind of people that will keep Johns hopeful dream in this song from ever coming true, at least not in my lifetime or for several generations. MENINGGAL DUNIA. John Lennon 1940-1980 Brad - Lexington, Ky Yokos costume in the Imagine video is not meant to be Native American (and quotsquawquot is a derogatory term). She is wearing traditional Ancient Egyptian attire. She had Egyptian motifs in their homes, too. Ekristheh - Halath, United States the perfect peace anthem whatsoever. the world really needs people like him nowadays. Rahul - Chennai, India Reading through these comments, seeing the beliefs of others and how peace is way too far-fetch, makes me realize why our world is so messed up. Its because of people who are unable to be peacefull while writing a simple comment. Its not about the millions of people in this world working against peace, its about the millions of others who work for peace throughout there everyday lives. quotYou may say im a dreamer, but im not the only onequot Its real, its wise, and its among us. So I ask you, are you part of the disease, or part of the cure Cassy - Atlantis, Botswana True salvation is fullfillment, peace, life in all its fullness. It is to be who you are, to feel whithin you the good that has no opposite, the joy of being that depends on nothing outside itself. It is felt not as a passing expirience but as an abiding presence. In theistic language it is quotto know Godquot -- not as something outside you but as your innermost essence. True salvation is to know yourself as an inseperable part of the timeless and formless One Life from which all that exsists derives its being. John - Overland Park, Ks True salvation is fullfillment, peace, life in all its fullness. It is to be who you are, to feel whithin you the good that has no opposite, the joy of being that depends on nothing outside itself. It is felt not as a passing expirience but as an abiding presence. In theistic language it is quotto know Godquot -- not as something outside you but as your innermost essence. True salvation is to know yourself as an inseperable part of the timeless and formless One Life from which all that exsists derives its being. John - Overland Park, Ks This is one of the most beautiful song I have ever heard in my entire life. Alec Thorp - Yorktown Heights, Ny Lennon was not asking us to imagine a heaven, seeing as part of the song is quotimagine theres no heavenquot Jane - Silver Spring, Md i very like this song. but, you know, this song describe heaven. In heaven, theres no country, no religion ( you know we already death in there, so we dont need to pray in there ), no need for greed or hunger, etc. lennon imagine this world is heaven Alif - Surabaya, Indonesia And to all those who speak so high and mighty about commnunism not ever working. Think of this: early man for thousands of years were communists. The community was heir to all sacrifices. The community needed to survive. The community or tribe or clan or herd was all that mattered. Share and all survive. Be stingy and die in the end. That is communism. The problem, now, is that the community is a vast track of land full of millions of people. The concept is ideal but over burdened. That and mans nature to strive for authority and to keep it at any means necessary. It comes down to leadership. You have to ask yourself, what is a leader And, how much power should he have, and for how long. The native americans had elders who had much sway on matters, but their word was not final. The youth usually wanted to fight while the elders said to be diplomatic. Conflict. But, all were free. There was no control. Communism as shown by the communist world in modern era is all about control. its really despotism. Just like our(america) democracy, well, thats a joke. My voice is never heard. the president, congress, judges do whatever the hell they want to anyway. Whos free I dont feel free. It seems everythings the consumers fault anyway. Bah, humbug. GOOD SONG, JOHN. Jeff - Casa Grande, Az You know, I think John just wanted people to open their minds and think. Use your imagination. Lord knows, he had one vast and seemingly endless. What if, ask yourself. Shoot, there are other possibilities. Imagine them. Imagine. Jeff - Casa Grande, Az John himself said Life is what happens when youre making plans, well, life is passing you by when you are sitting around imagining. Stunner - Australia, Australia One of the US music magazines put this song on the list of songs that should never been written, because Lennon-a multimillionaire says, imagine no possesion (no private property) Adam - Zielona Gra, Poland Hey John, were still imagining. Louise - Minneapolis, Mn I was writing a post on my blog about the Israel-Palestine conflict, and this song was playing. There was just something about the contrast between the reality I was reading and writing about and the song I was hearing and singing that nearly made me break down in tears. The song is powerful, and if more people listened to Lennons message the world might be just a bit more peaceful. Alex - Rialto, Ca Imagine a world without this song The pure genius of Lennon, the simplicity of the songwriting and the timeless nature of the melody. This song is without question the finest piece of music art ever constructed and recorded. Imagine if he were still around today what other joy and artistry he would have brought to the world. Imagine. Syed - Lakewood, Ca I would like to thank everyone of you for helping me understand imagine a bit more better than when i first started. I am a student and studying English, well war poetry at the moment and John Lennon is on my paper that i have to study. All of you have your own views on lennon which is great because it has helped me to understand him through your posted comments So a big Thankyou. Nikki - Kent, United Kingdom With or without religion, youd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion. Thats a qoute from Steven Weinberg. So sorry about your poetry contest, Tay Sibella - Pretoria, South Africa good idea but i think John Lennon wrote that based on Hitler how he killed Jews. Tay - San Diego, Ca I think that to criticize someone who is trying to make people see what could happen if the world was at peace is wrong. John Lennon never said that he had no possessions, and never said that he was perfect, he said imagine. The world would be such a better place with no religion, wars are caused by religion, and the sad fact is the bible was the best book ever written. So I am join lennon, in hope that the world can be as one, and I think rather than criticising everyone should do the same. Brooke - Decodar. Australia Perhaps it would be served better if you actually did what the song suggests. instead of trying to analyze everything about it.. Try to imagine the world without Religions. the idea of heavens (all types) comes from religions. What if when you die, you die. Perhaps it would serve you well to live each day as best you can. Tommy - Tulsa, Ok i tried using this for a poem contest at my christian skool, ya i couldnt use it because no religion to. i was so mad because its beautiful i mean why Why they didnt get the point of that verse. Tay - San Diego, Ca Its funny that this song is all about peace and stuff and when Lennon went to New York he commented about how peaceful it was in the sense that he could walk down the street without being bombarded. He could feel more like a normal person. The killer had actually been a massive Beatles fan and followed the Beatles, meaning that he agreed with what they said etc, etc, etc. He was angry that John Lennon was living in this luxurious apartment block. He says . then John stepped out of the car and he looked at me also. There was a little voice in my head. saying do it, do it, do it. it was like the inner me. He goes on about how he pulled the revolver out of his pocket . took a whats known as the combat stance and fired five steady shots into Johns back. Jimmy Barnes remembers the time he heard the news of John Lennons death. He was doing a show in Tawoomba (Queensland, Australia) when he heard on the radio. He says that he was devastated. was glued to the T. V. waiting to see if he survived. it changed my life. Obviously John Lennon did not survive. He was dead by the time he got to the hospital despite several attempts to resusitate him. (I think I spelt that wrong). Blake - London, United Kingdom the concept of this song is basically the principle i live my life by. we are all just human beings. the arbitrary separatist institutions ie. religion, politics, class, etc. thats all man made and thus doesnt have to be. great song Jcooltrane - Philadelphia, Pa He is simply asking us to imagine a world in complete peace. That the world could be as one. and not be divided. its a truly inspiring song. john lennon hade a voice that needed to be heard..he is a founder of all music. rip john. Jakob - Watauga Texas, Tx Imagine a man with as much money as John Lennon singing about having no possessions. Imagine how much more money he made from the people who thought his song was a profound statement. Imagine a man who didnt believe any of this nonsense enough to actually live it. Scott - Chelan, Wa Most people seem to have never listened to the words of this song, except for Imagine Living Life in Peace. I worked at a Catholic school where we sang this on Good Friday Imagine no religion--send the kids to public school, then Most of the things Lennon imagines getting rid of are things that most (though, of course, not all) people like. Most people want to imagine their loved ones in heaven looking down at them, for example, and wouldnt the Olympics be boring without countries How this somewhat bizarre song became one of the best of all times on various lists is beyond me. Kim - Bayonne, John from Lackawaxon, PA, dont talk about things you dont know. Christianity is NOT anti-homosexual. Yes, we say homosexuality is a sin, but we hate the sin, not the sinner. Jesus has far more to say about divorce than homosexuality, in fact. Just the hate and ignorance of the world causes many christians to hate homosexuals, but some of us know that some homosexuals cant control their sexual orientation. Some christians say, Dont be gay, but others know you cant oversimplify things like this. And all passages in the bible that support slavery are aimed at a specific audience, as slavery was a common and unquestioned part of life. Dont take things out of context and twist Gods arm to fit your own agenda. Ethan - Tulsa, Ok There are many, many great songs written by amazing minds that were way ahead of their time. This is one of those songs. And to me, its the best song ever written. Megan - Shineonyoucrazydiamonds, Fl wow. it sure takes a lot of talent to bash religion and promote the perfect communist utopia. john lennon was a elitist moron who had no idea what he was talking about. as for the religious conflict parts, some religions teach that you should kill those who arent like you, but the vast majority teach peace. some whackos make everyone with religion look bad and then whackos like john lennon want to create the perfect communist dictatorship. Al - Philidelphia, Pa Imagine a world. so boring. kamu. wouldnt. want. toliveinit. yoohoooooo. Heather - Los Angeles, Ca Anyone who has a problem with the religion part, please read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins Besides, religion so often has the most socially destructive morals that completely defy the natural being of human kind Think about the Taliban for instance Sibella - Pretoria, -- yes, i couldnt have said it better, AuurV. Sky - Boulder, Co I love this song. The meaning and lyrics are very strong. Dakota - Mansfield, Oh thank you soooo much david, youve helped me alot. Terima kasih. Need Help. - Qld, Australia Thank you, Sky I appreciate being backed up on this. Also, AuurV, I like youre comment. Very insightful. Shamomo Apaulo Onono - Liverpool, Oh audrey-if youre going to mock john lennon, id appreciate if you took the time to actually use the right grammar. i think what you were trying to say is that john lennon was one of the most irritating, stuck up PEOPLE in the universe. which is entirely wrong, as pointed out by shamomo. Sky - Boulder, Co Every single line of this song is a basic prerequisite for a genuine socialist society as envisaged by Marx and Engels, which has nothing to do with the repressive regimes that arose in Russia, China, Cuba etc. Imagine theres no heaven Its easy if you try No hell below us Above us only sky Religion is the opiate of the masses, Karl Marx Imagine all the people living for today Marx believed religion is used to suppress the fight for a better existence in this life for the promise of paradise in the after life. This line signifies the struggle for a better life in the here and now--instead of waiting in hope for a paradise that does not exist in some amorphous after life. Imagine theres no countries It isnt hard to do Nothing to kill or die for And no religion too The abolition of hostile nation states competing for limited resources and markets that is the cause of all wars is one of the most basic tenants of Marxism (highlighting the fact that individual states such as China and Russia cannot possibly be SocialistCommunist as they fail this basic criterion.) Imagine all the people Living life in peace This means the united international working-class working as one. You may say Im a dreamer But Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us And the world will be as one Im not the only one is not an abstract comment, as John Lennon donated funds to the Workers Revolutionary Party who were dedicated to revolutionary overthrow of capitalism and the unification of the international working class. They are now called the Socialist Equality Party. Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger A brotherhood of man Imagine all the people Sharing all the world Cant get more Socialist than this. Imagine no possessions in Socialist terms mean everyone owns the means of production and all the resources of the earth. No company or individual has the right to withhold basic food stuffs and the necessities of life for his own personal enrichment. This is what is meant by sharing all the world. Cant happen under capitalism where we are about to have a world food crisis because of futures trading in food commodities on the Chicago stock market. BTW. Personal property is a right of every individual as is the size and type of car and home they have etc. Each according to their own ability, each according to their own need You may say Im a dreamer But Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us And the world will live as one If you think I am exaggerating, Lennons Power to the people is overtly revolutionary. David - Melbourne, this is incredible. look at all the conflicts and competitive conversations this song has sparked. speaks for itself really Rachel - Wellington, New Zealand If there is no heaven, no hell and no religion. Had there been in the heavens and earth gods besides the Lord of the universe, then verily both would have been ruined. Glorified be the Lord of all that exists, High is He above all that evil they associate with Him. If the Lord had so willed, He could surely have mankind one community following Islam, but they will not cease to disagree, except him on whom the Lord has bestowed His Mercy, and for that did He created them, and the Word of the Lord has been fulfilled: Surely, I shall fill Hell with jinn and men all together. Ali - Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya John from Lackawaxen, PA I totally agree with you. Religion has sparked so many wars and so much hatred in this world. Anybody who criticizes the religion part should think twice about it. Pougff - Manchester, Ms Has anyon else noticed the repetition of IINAIL in all the verses except for the last one, which has IINAIS I have a feeling it means something, and as soon as I figure out what, Ill come back to this site and post it. In the meantime, all of you people saying, this is a good song except for the religion part. Dont you realize that that is probably the biggest thing that needs to be changed We have all these religions, Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and we have all this descrimintion Look at the Middle East and Al Qaeda They hate everyone that isnt Muslim And the Christian bible also descriminates Its against gays and, arguably, for slavery John - Lackawaxen, Pa People really need to stop over analyzing this song. Lennon meant he imagined that we as one, could make this world a better place. in my opinion, the line and no religion too means that people in this world arent fighting over god, they are fighting over religion, call me stupid but isnt God suposed to be the important thing, he doesnt mean that we should get rid of all religion, but its sad when we fight over it. and the guy who said he didnt think lennon is a christian is ridiculous. if you claim to be a christian then you should know not to judge someone elses heart, you didnt even know him. Bailey - Salem, Or I think the message of this song is simple: peace is good and love is good. I agree that no religion is a bit extreme but if people were completely perfect, religion would not be needed and this song is about imagining a perfect world. Viktor - Palm Beach, Fl Kim could not have said it any better. Although i dont really agree with the whole god thing, but thats just a personal belief. Brandon - Philadelphia, Pa John wasnt a hypocrite. When he was younger he was very angry at the world, but people change. He would have been able to give up his possessions, he proved it when he lay in bed for a week with nothing but his clothes (and wife) for his cause. Its funny how people sitting at their Interent-enabled computers judge him for having a fancy car. And someone (I cant find who) says this song is against what God wanted It is exactly what God wanted. If youd ever read your Bible, youd know that in the perfect world God created in the beginning, Imagine was what it was like. There was no religion either, just God, and peoples relationships with him. Kim - Uk, United States got a bit carried away there. Bella - Pretoria attention all Beatle fans pllease checkout Her Majesty I wrote a story that I want people t read. Thanx Bianca Sanchez - Alburquerque, Nm And its NOT a communist song(Obviously I cant state that as a fact, but I REALLY dont think it is)Its about how it would be if these obstacles an causes for violence are simply removed and people could co-existI hope someday youll join us and the world can live as one. Ive joined him and Im not the only one. I wish more people would, but noLord, what fools these mortals be(Thats a quote from A Midsummer Nights Dream, though the context was totally different)I have a poster of Imagine. Really nice poster. It has the lyrics on and a black and white photo of John in the background. Bella - Pretoria Thank you, Mike from KansasI agree with you The reason (in my opinion) why he said imagine no religion is because it often makes (or motivates it) people like Mark David Chapman do downright STUPID THINGSAlso agree with Victor from Vienna. And Tim from Marinette, people without religion can definitely also have MORALSIm an atheist and I dont go and kill people, in fact Im a total pacifist. Though I do acknowledge that religion can also be very good for people.(im not TOTALLY biased on that point)And to that other bloke who said that hes just telling people to imagine it and thats all, thats not true His message is that people should actually make it HAPPENBrilliantly inspiring song. Dont know where the world would be without JohnDamn Chapman. How can anyone want to kill someone like this. It makes me want to cry Bella - Pretoria Great song, its one of my favorites. But one thing Im not too sure about is why everyone blames Yoko for the Beatles disbanding. Sure she was a factor in it, but not as big a factor as everyone keeps saying. The Bealtes were coming apart gradually anyway. You can tell by their albums and how each Beatle was becoming more and more independent. Maybe not George and Ringo as much as John and Paul. Also, Yoko made John happy, I dont see whats wrong with that. All great things must come to an end. Brandon - Philadelphia, Pa I LOVE this song Johns voice is so sweet I miss him terribly I hope Chapman rots in jail and goes straight to hell I always cry when I listen to this song, especially with all thats going on overseas. Such a beautiful ballad. My cousin danced to this song with his mom at his wedding. I was almost in tears when I heard what he had picked. Just a note to those who read this - I highly recommend seeing Strawberry Fields in Central Park. Its so beautiful and one of two nice things Yoko has done. Shes trying to make up for tearing our Beatles apart and its kinda working. I truly believe that this is John at his best. RIP John Meredith - Wauwatosa, Wi There has been more killing in the name of communism in the 20 century than any crusade or any religious war. The thought of religion causing war is just ignorant to me. If you think this song is not a communist propaganda piece than your not paying attention. By the way, A great song. Raheem - Sewell, Nj Yoko did not think John was a very good piano player and told him to have Nicky Hopkins (who played electric piano on Revolution and was a session player on the Imagine album) to play the piano lead on this song. John overruled her, saying he wanted to do it himself. Ken - Louisville, Ky Johns best solo work and it ranks up there with Strawberry Fields and Youve Got to Hide Your Love Away in the top level of Lennon songs. Such a great melody and the lyrics, WOW Just listen to what he is saying, all of us would be so much better off if we lived in peace and harmony with each other, OK, I know Im a dreamer too but what has caused most of our wars and conflicts, super nationalism, religion and greed. As we approach the anniversary of the death of one of the greatest men of the 20th century let us contine to live by his words in this magnificant song. Bart - Westmont, Nj This song is a description of a perfect utopia seen through John Lennons eyes. Its a world where people arent divided by religion, killing, greed, and all other problems in the modern world. Austin - St Louis, Mo This song can make you cry when you really listen to it and think about everything he did. Its so sad Bianca Sanchez - Alburquerque, Nm With or without primal scream therapy, perhaps the main foundation for Johns peace was that he wanted the Golden Rule to rule. I wish he had included a line that is the title of a recent book, Imagine No Superstition. Superstitions of many stripes create religious sects, and sects cause horrible sectarian strife of today. Imagine No Superstition Google that Stephen - Tucson, Az This is my all time favorite song. He is simply asking us to imagine a world in complete peace. That the world could be as 1. and not be divided. its a truly inspiring song. Emi - Dallas, Tx On October 9th my sis and me go to her room and put on her John Lennon rcord on the flip side and Have a moment of Silence fir the entire song of Imagine, And all we play is John Lennon and some Beatles music. This song makes me cry. Bianca Sanchez - Alburquerque, Nm Its just a simple song about IMAGINING a world without all the things that divide people. itu saja. Bev - Di, Al this song has changed the way i think. Kelsi - Jefferson City, Mo To Will of Midland, MI: Yes, John was a flawed human being, like the rest of us. If someone commits violence but later realizes the error of his way--or who simply comes to understand his own capacity for violence--should he not warn people that its not the answer, and counsel them to peace If you have some time, look up an essay called, War Is A Racket, by Smedley Butler. Know who Smedley Butler was A career Marine Corps officer. Musicmama - New York, Ny This is the greatest song not performed or written by Bob Marley. So its 3 on my all-time list (after Redemption Song and Coming In From the Cold). As for all the people who think its about communism or satanism or hippie b. s., take another look and listen and the lyrics. Hes only asking us to imagine a world without all the things that people fight over, and to realize that, yes, the world, and all of us in it, can function quite nicely without them. And, even though the lyrics are whats really important, neither Lennon nor anyone else couldve come up with a more suitable melody and arrangement to accompany it. Its feels sad because it conveys something none of us has ever known, but conveys the warmth and compassion of someone who realizes that whomever hes speaking (singing) to has the capacity to contribute to the beginnings of making such a world. Peace to all of you, especially those of you who disagree with (or even hate) me for writing this--or for putting down the Doors Musicmama - New York, Ny If you think about it this song is pro new world order: one government, no religion the world can be as one. Which is not a good thing really Ashley - Leeds Sorry John from Liverpool, but love is not all you need, although that would be nice. As it is, people do stupid things for love, even kill for love. Clearly we need understanding, humility, and patience just as much as we need love. John was a brilliant man, but his ideas changed daily and he was emotionally immature. Im sure if he had lived longer (and he should have) he would have come to see the ideas in that song as very simple, even child-like. Mickey - Langley, Va im tempted to cry as i listen to this. its impossible how th e guy who wrote this got shot. I HATE IT WHEN PEOPLE PUT PINK FLOYD OVER LENNON AND THE BEATLES this isnt good its great Ozzy - Fresno, Ca The people who view peace as impossible are wrong. We as humans have the ability to shape the world into whatever we want. It is people that view it as a lost cause that slow its development down. When people start bringing up their children properly with love, we shall have peace. We need to see the error in our ways and make a change we could have peace in a second if we really wanted it. I hope someday people will realise that we are all humans living on the same world in which we need to all live as one, as John said. All you need is love. Jonn - Liverpool, England This song is hippie bullsht, made by an idiot who thought he was changing the world by taking acid and hallucinating, while frying his brain. Its about a Communist Utopia, and is a a joke. Tom - Islip, Ny Jacob there ahd been more people wanting world peace before John. But back then in the early 70s and late 60s it was a hippie period were everyone wanted peace. So you kind of have to think back to when he wrote it. World peace doesnt seem very realstic but maybe like 50 or 100 years from now might have it. Who knows it could happen sooner. Or we may never have it nobody knows for sure. But we always have to think the best. This is just an amzing song. Krissy - Boston, Ma first of all let me just say i like this song..but i hate the meaning behind it..i am a christian and i believe john lennon was not..if he was then he would understand that this song is the exact opposite of what God wants the world to be and what God made the world..nobody including a musician named john lennon can change that..there is no way in hell there would ever be peace on earth..but you can go ahead and dream if you want. Jacob - Mabelvale, Ar To Linda in London Alabama: You and your grandfather are both right, John and everyone else would say anything to make money. Even today s so-called artists. However, he did say it, and words have meanings. You cant just say something and then say Oh, I didnt mean anything by that. He was asking people to do what he was not ready to do. He was asking people to give up what he himself was not ready to give up. Jay - Atlanta, Ga Many people think that this song is about giving up religion and living life like a communist blah blah blah. actually, if you actually break it down - Lennon was just saying that leave your religion in a private place, dont worry about heaven or hell and just live for today, dont live for the fear of going to hell or for the promise of heaven, live today with your fellow human beings. Dont worry about your material things, the only things that truly matter in life are human connections and right now there are so many blocades like religion and class in the way of our connections. Live life for today. Maggie - Atlanta, Ga Never have understood why this songs considered one of Lennons best. The melodys very pleasant, but the lyrics are vague elementary the sentiment of the song is fine, but by 1971 so many different artists had expresed this same sort of message that it lost much of its originality. With this song Lennon followed the crowd rather than lead it. Eddie - Rome, Ga Linda, Yeah Blake Lewis sang it on American Idol. It was pretty good the way he sing it. But nothing is as good as the way John Lennon sang it. It is such a beautiful song. Krissy - Boston, Ma Jay from Atlanta, Georgia, why do you hate Imagine so much You say that John didnt even believe in the song, but then why would he write it, and other songs like it like Give Peace A Chance I doubt John would give up his possesions like cars just because of a line in the song. I mean, everyone loves possesions, and if you wrote the song (which, not to be rude, but I doubt you or anybody but John could have wrote it) you probably wouldnt give up nice things like cars for it. But I think people are getting way too worked up about what this song is all about. Its just a song about peace and love, which John greatly supported. Many things Ive read about John and the Beatles say that John thought it was strange people tried to read so much into waht his lyrics meant. In fact, thats why he wrote I Am The Walrus during his days with the Beatles - a kid sent him a letter asking what one of his songs meant for a school project, so John wrote I Am The Walrus, which meant absolutely nothing, to annoy people that tried to figure out what it meant. Its just a song, and as my grandfather says I dont think they the Beatles were trying to do anything but sell albums. He meant that they, at least in the beginning, didnt get into making deep meanings for their songs. Just listen to the song an enjoy it, dont get all worked up about what it really means Its just a song (a great one, by the way) Give Peace A Chance Linda - London, Al I absolutely love this song It is so beautiful. Didnt Blake (I dont know his last name) sing this on an episode of American Idol It nearly made me cry when I read the fact that George Michael bought the piano John Lennon wrote this on and then gave it to the Beatles museum in Liverpool. Not that many people would probably give something so valuable away. That was so nice of him Anyways, I love this song and I love John Lennon and Paul McCartney and George Harrison and Ringo Starr and the Beatles (well, they were the Beatles, but I mean I love them as separate people and I love all their solo music too). In the words of John Lennon, Give Peace A Chance. Linda - London, Al a truly awe-inspiring and beautiful song. The lyrics are so empassioned and moving. Some day people might see what he tried to say and realise that, that is how the world should be an oasis of peace and love. Jonn - Liverpool, England This song is so beautiful. Pougff - Manchester, Ms He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty. - Proverbs 28:19 Jay - Atlanta, Ga You are absolutely right, its about a relationship with Jesus Christ, not religion. However Hebrews 10:25 says Let us not give up meeting together. Jay - Atlanta, Ga I was just doing some research on this song for a reflective essay I am writing for my english 101 class because I think it embodies critical thinking. I have to analyze the social, historical, and political context of the song and all these comments really helped. If anyone has anymore useful information I would appreciate it. Also I think this is a good song and there is nothing wrong with imagining or wishing the world could be a better place. I also just wanted to comment on some of the other comments about religion I dont think John meant it in a bad way because although I am catholic I believe you dont need to practice any particular religion to beleive andor worship God. Would God not hear our prayers just because we dont belong to a religion Erika -. Ca Even John himself said Life is what happens while youre making plans. So, while youre imagining the world will be passing you by. Jay - Atlanta, Ga John, people hate Yoko becuase they think she is y they broke up. Even though its a big arguement still y they broke up. A lot of people blame Yoko. Because its theye asy thing to do. But if u read books and interviews there a plenty of reasons y. But nobody will listen. I must say I am not crazy about Yoko either. Maaf. Krissy - Boston, Ma Gabrielle, explain that last comment in detail. What exactly are the similarities Jay - Atlanta, Ga BUSH IS THE NEXT HITLER. Gabrielle - Barrie, Canada This song is communist propaganda. Lennon didnt even believe the words himselg. Imagine no possessions as he rides around in that huge white mercedes. Wake up Jay - Atlanta, Ga I love this song. I am a teen and I understood what he trying to say. He just wanted people to live in peace and love each other. John will always be remeber and he will always be with us. Krissy - Boston, Ma I am writing this because Im getting tired of John being warshiped so much. I am a big Beatles fan and I think John was a great song writer but think of it. Was John a great musician Yes. Was John an intellegent man Yes. Should John be warshiped and idolized No, because John although he talked of peace and love, started many fights including the time he kicked his friend Stuart Sutcliffe in the head which may have lead to Stuarts fatal brain haemorrhage, beat and cheated on his wife Cynthia, ignored his son Julian, eventually left Cynthia and didnt care about her feelings or Julians, claimed to be bigger than Jesus, and supported drug use. Remember Lennon was a great songwritter, but that he shouldnt be warshiped or idolized. Will - Midland, Mi John Lennon was a good man who taught this world alot of things and he will live forever Kristian Roberts - Swansea, Wales This song was written about imagining the world without discrimination. He describes in each verse what the world would be like without things like heaven, hell, countries, religion, possessions and rich or poor. He does this to express his opinion of a perfect world or utopia, in which all humans form one brotherhood of man. Lennon describes the people living in this perfect world do four things these are the last line of each verse. living for today. living life in peace. living as one and sharing all the world. Lennon realises some peoples reactions to this song would be that it is just another hippy anthem so he counters this with the chorus You may say Im a dreamer, but Im not the only one, I hope someday youll join us, and the world will be as one. By saying this Lennon is expressing tho the reader that this idealistic view of the world is shared by many people, and the more people that believe this the closer it will come to being realistic. Wuss - Perth, Australia This is my (rather long) opinion on Johns Imagine Nooventures wit.110mb GOD, FREEDOM AND SURVIVAL. COMMENTARIES ON JOHN LENNONS IMAGINE Ideals, understanding and life This surely is one of the greatest songs of our time. Heralded by peace activist around the globe for its captivating simplicity, the lyrics actually depict how perplexing human nature really is. Beauty and hostility interchanges in our history through the expressions of religious zeal, patriotism and the struggle to survive. Properly expressed, beauty shine through. Overtly expressed, calamity erupts. Yet, just exactly how does the same roots produces such paradoxical fruits. What went wrong The most fundamental reason probably lie in the fact that humans seems to possess ideals as a built in feature. We need to live for something, to strive for something, and to die having done something of worth in life. The belief we have in our ideals will take us to the far end of strife and sacrifice, even when that would mean to die or to kill trying. And clearly, god, freedom, and survival, supply three of the most powerful ideals a man can aspire for in life. Everythings fine with ideals, until one forgets that most of the times, our understanding of them are anywhere but perfect. And things deteriorate rapidly when men understand them differently and willingly strife to enforce their understanding to others. In God we trust. for God we kill. In God alone men believe perfection and perfect bliss are attainable. Yet, as theologists and philosopher have reasoned, it is impossible to attain perfect understanding of God, and to attain perfection in God during our mortal lives here on earth. Perfection is to aspire for, they say. and attainment is beyond our effort, though certainly is not despite of our effort. And religions, have indeed shown the way, each to each people in each time and each place, and if we are wise enough, I believe, each to all people in all times and all places. When one dwelves into the depths of Buddha, Lao Tze, Confucius, Moses, Jesus, Mohammed or Gandhi for recent example, it is simply unimaginable that they would meet and then mock and throw bombs at each other, let alone command their followers to nuke each other. Yet, precisely because the devoters forget that each religion teaches no enforcement on beliefs to others beyond their consent, wars and conflicts were precisely what happened here and there throughout history. The unity in God simply can not produce divides. Its our imperfect understanding and actions alone that produce the divides and blinds us from the unity that binds us. And it seems to me, diversity is Gods way of saying, unite all believers of the world in the style of the Marxian version for workers. This is so apparent when one reads the sacred scriptures of the worlds religions. One would find so many overlapping essence throughout, expressed in different wordings, in different languages, and in different contexts, with the prime example being the Golden Rule. Love thy neighbour. So I would say, religions are expressions, the diversity. While towards God and in God, essence and unity emerge. Meaning, we should be humble in our imperfection, in our imperfect understanding of God, in our imperfect strife towards God, and learn from our mistakes and from each other. This should apply for any open minded atheist too, since they too are destined as imperfects, with their own ideal and their imperfect understanding of it, or more precisely, of religion and the Ultimate Reality. Freedom and prosperity for our people and our nation . How about the others. Another ideal the world grew up with is that we should strive for what is ours, with our people and our nation among our most precious. In schools and the media, teachers and politicians preach this line of thinking to innocent minds. In times of struggle for a counrys indepence, it might have been sufficient, but for the world that we now live in, it simply is not enough. Peoples and nations has become so interdependent, that the sole prosperity and freedom of ours can no longer serve justice to all of us. And with recent development in the crisis the planet is experiencing, the freedom and prosperity of humanity can no longer violate the freedom and prosperity of other species and the earth itself. And thus we come to the culprit of our ignorance. war and economics. Wars served our egoes well in the past and present, while economic prosperity seems to serve our egoes better in the present. War is inherently destructive for life, yet some nation cant shake of the addiction of building up military prowes, even with mutual destruction staring back at us from the future to be. On the other hand, economic progress, or to be more precise, economic growth, with so many inherent paradoxes entailing, becomes the unofficial religion of the world, carried ever forward with the fervor a staunch religious devotees would have by the professional work we carry out in society. The link in the deterioration of earths life-support systems and our economic activities grows ever clearer by the day. While nukes can blow humanity out of existence in a single blow, economic growth sucks the life out of earth, and leaves us dying glimmering with money, and with pride of our material wealth. And yet still, we compete, wage war, and kill directly with bombs or indirectly through wrongly accumulating and using money. We feed our fears and insecurities by saying that the others hates us and wants us to suffer, with the Russians a little while ago, and with Osama bin Laden recently, as the prophet of destruction. We take for granted the statement that our nation and our people must remain competitive to survive and to thrive, forgetting that in a competition, some win, and some lose, and that we can no longer afford to survive and thrive alone. We strike and preempt, but forget to fix and to prevent. We compete and become professionals at that, but forget that in cooperation lies the harmony of life, in humanity and in the entire planet. Life surely is worth more than killing and competing. To survive, to have, or to be. Life entails survival. Life seeks to prolong itself, the best way it can, or any way it can. It is very natural that each person, each family, each people, each nation wish to live on and prosper. We want enough food, enough clothes, a roof over our head, a comfortable spot to sleep on, a fulfilling and meaningful work, the warmth of relationship and time for leisure, art and spirituality. in esence, to be. Things used to be tolerable, until humanity multiplies unprecedently and compete mindlessly. With six and a half billions of mouths to feed, bodies to clothe and cover, jobs to provide, and others eager to beat us to survival, to be simply is not an option anymore. First and foremost, to survive, next, to have, and if we made it through and manages to remember, to be. Yet reality wakes you up from your dream and bites you in your real life. Money is the blood of the economy, and the economy is the life of everyone. Thus, to survive, one must earn enough of it, in ways and jobs often far from the path to be. Conditions seems to prescribe nations to follow that path, the path of economic growth. Our jobs often divides families and communities, and destroy nature, but more than anything, they destroy our soul. To have becomes our next goal after survival, and most of the times, they become our last. Thus, we become insensitive to the needs of others, humans or not, and ignorant to the needs of the planet. Poverty and diseases persists despite the tremendous growth in the size of our economy. Garbage, waste and pollution, literally are the by-product our world economy excrete to the air, to the water, to the soil, and to other life on earth. We refuse to except the reality that if they deteriorate, humanity goes down the drain into the abyss. Thus we end up with the chicken and egg kind of paradox. We survive they die. They die, we die. But we must survive, and they must survive. What to do. what to do Questions. questions. questions. and imagination Maybe what John really meant for us to do on hearing his song, was not to become atheists, anarchists, hippies, or communists for that matter, since a man of Johns stature should long ago have lost the interest in the glitter of isms. Maybe hes just trying to make us question, question so hard to the point that the fantasy of our world, the waking dream we are living, the half truths we behold as ideals, will crumble, so we can start rebuilding the foundations peace should rest upon. Meanwhile, hoping time will have mercy on us in getting the job done for our posterior to build upon. Competition and cooperation have their proper places. We just need to figure out where for each. Religions, nation states and the economy merely are tools. means. We should never become a tool of our tools. We should never mistake the means from the end. The means should never and can never become the end. What will be your end. Your ideal. Make sure its worthy of your life. What should we have as our means. as our tools. Lets make sure we have the right ones. Imagination rule the world, as Napoleon and Einstein would agree. Lets all spend a little more time to imagine what our end should be, and beware of the things that blinds us from the unity that binds us. Permalink Nooventures - wit.110mb2007-03-12-god-freedom-and-survival-commentaries-on-john-lennons-imagine Wibowo - Jakarta, Indonesia A really good song. Nuff Said. Joe - Bellingham, Wa I dont understand while people are refuting the fact that this song is about a communist utopia. Michael - Los Angeles, Ca The song starts off on a C chord..so does about every other song ever. Most basic chord on a piano or guitar. Josh - Cincinnati, Oh The BEST Song Ever Josh - Laporte, Tx Correct me if Im wrong but this songs foundation piano chord is the same as the one used in The Whos Getting In Tune. Im no piano player and Im guessing the chord is a prevalent commonly used one, but the rhythm in which its played is exactly the same to The Whos Getting In Tune. I also believe both albums came out in the same year. So, did one of the artists steal the song from the other Danny - New City, Ny Very good :P on the other hand you did give a good argument for what you heard and for that I congratulate you. but im 16 and everyone I told about this thought that the argument was funny lol Stephan - Pw, Ny Nowhere in the lyrics did I see anything about living in fear, and im sorry but it seems you dont have your own interpretation. Show me which line says anything about living in fear and I might believe you, all ive seen is a line mentioning living in peace. if thats fear then someone wasnt paying attention when they listened to the song miltiple times or read the lyrics multiple times to figure out what it meant. Until then I think that youve been brainwashed by the capitalists. And im not willing to engage in a battle of wits with someone who is so woefully unarmed. For now Comrade Sven signing out. Stephan - Pw, Ny Im sorry, but your argument does not match the lyrics. It does, however, match what everyone else has said. This is simply my own interpretation, which I feel matches the lyrics exactly. Like I said, the lyrics are symple, but so many others have engrained their ideas into your mind that it complicates things. Ill leave you with this: If this song was about a true Utopia, why would people be living life in fear He says that with no country or religion we would live life in fear. I dont know about you, but living life in fear isnt something I would want to do in a utopian society. Brandon - Peoria, Il Brandon, this song refers to a perfect world, and in a perfect world Religion and Nationalism have no meaning so you would be wrong with your assumption, this song is how ever about a perfect world which is the only way Pure Communism would work, but the only argument I see is that made by the Capitalist pig-dogs, who refuse to believe that a legend such as John Lennon could possibly sing about a Communist Utopia. Stephan - Pw, Ny wrong, wrong, wrong, Brandon Chuck - Baton Rouge, La Please listen to the song or read the lyrics before posting. I have been listening to the song for years and NEVER have I gotten the impression that he was downplaying religion and nationalism. Heres my opinion: The first verse he asks you to imagine no heaven. no hell below us. He then says imagine all the people LIVING FOR TODAY. I take this as saying that without the fear of religion and what comes after, people would go crazy living life one day at a time, never thinking about the reprocussions. The second verse he says imagine theres no country. nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too. He then says imagine all the people LIVING LIFE IN FEAR. I take this as saying without a country (or a creator) to fall back on, people would be fear for their lives all the time. Country and religion keeps us from fear, which is why religions and civilizations were invented in the first place. The final verse he says imagine no possessions. no need for greed or hunger, a brotherhood of Man. He then says imagine all the people SHARING ALL THE WORLD. This is the only verse that may have anything to do with Communism (which by the way is a great idea ON PAPER). It may deal with communism, but the overall view this verse takes is we will have peace when we all can get along and learn to help our fellow man. The lyrics are very simple. I dont understand what the big debate could be about. He isnt defaming religion OR nationalism, but rather accentuating the reasons that we need them in the first place. Brandon - Peoria, Il I can see where you would gather that opinion, Aylin, but when you think about it, good old universal love is like a glass of water. its pure. Theres no real depth to it its just a feeling we all have but sometimes choose not to embrace. This song (in my opinion, at least) is beautiful because its so simple, so accessable. Its like having a good cold glass of water: Not too much flavor, but somehow just right. Of course who am I to speak for John Lennon, you could be 100 right, this song could just be a pop music paycheck. I maintain what I believe though, and I believe this song is great. Kevin Murphy - Ridgewood, Nj I could never perceive this song as beautiful. I find most music beautiful. Without music, there can be no beauty in existence. Yet I hear nothing more than a saccharine tune, sounding as if it was written with the express purpose of becoming popular, becoming a hit. This, of course, makes sense, because Lennon was trying to convey a message that he believed to be important, and therefore the song was more about this message than about the music. I think John Lennon was an incredibly brilliant songwriter and I completely respect his right to expression of opinions, but I cannot bring myself to share his vision. The world he describes seems to me a world without colour, without life -- without music. Somewhat like this shallow, empty song. Aylin - Montreal Its funny how atheists call John Lennon a God. Anyways, the song has more to do with utopian socialism then anything else. en. wikipedia. orgwikiUtopiansocialism Hannibal - Richmond, Va This is one of the songs that made Lennnon more than a popular singersongwriter, but a legend. Ian - Detroit, Mi There was also a billboard a few years ago and it said gone. but not forgotten and there is a picture of Frank Sinata, Dean Martin, Bobby Darin, John Lennon, John Denver and Hary Chapin. Under each of their pictures is the years of how long they lived. Anthony - Lodi, Nj This song has gotten me through alot in the past year or so. The interpretation for it is so to the point that there is no way else to see it. Its clearly stated. Without this song, and john, i would not be looking forward to the future and time soon. Keelyn - Sault Saint Marie. Mi heh, I hear so many pessimistic remarks about this song. Maybe mankind wont get along until doomsday or whatever. (wether there is or isnt a doomsday) Just because we cant do too much to remedy the world in conflict doesnt mean we cant dream, does it I mean seriously. he literally says It isnt hard to do just IMAGINE. He just wants us to imagine the world without political boundries. Hes not necessarily telling anyone to take action, although it could be implied, but its not direct. Simply IMAGINE. I work with so many people who just dont ever dream anymore. they take what can be touched and felt and accept it as reality and anything else an impossibility. Tis a shame :( Steve - Burkburnett, Tx Nathan. World War II, its called Ethnocentrism, countless wars were fought over religion over the past 4000 years, as man developed his hate against himself( both as two seperate beings).This song seems to be based on imagination. David - Port Hawkesbury, Canada actually Ringo did not play on the song Imagine. It was Allen White from Yes Rich - New Haven, Ct How do you explain the fighting between Israel and the Palestinians And also, please give us a list of the similarities of the religions of the world. Factual statements only, please no opinions. Jay - Atlanta, Ga No war is fought over religiononly the ignorant say that as an excuse for politics and to let politicians be 12 year old kids with a temper tantrum. The religions of the world are so identical. Ive always that this song is the idealism of perfect impossibility, if all that John Lennon hopes for happened the world would be in harmony yet having 6.2 billion people have the same ideolog y would be impossible. Nathan - From The Country Of, Canada Didnt Jone Baez cover this I remember seeing a cd, maybe the Best of Jone Baez, that contained her version of this song. Stefanie - Rock Hill, Sc And. Riley from SC I agree. Also what I must add is that at that point John was becoming in a certain way, aware of all this fighting and that was the strongest point of his peace activism. Catherine from Glasglow I have seen your comments elsewhere and most of them seem to be what I would say. So anyways no doubt this is a really nice song. Buzz - Hamilton He may not have known what it was like to be poor, maybe, but he knew what it was like to not have peace and have fighting. His childhood wasnt the greatest memory, etc. And although I do not usually stick up for Lennon in this way, I feel pity for him in this respect. I mean come on its just what he wanted. Sure, we all like our money and our possesions. Admit it. But he was wishing we DIDNT See the point of the song, then John Lennon wasnt my favourite Beatle but this song has a POINT. Calling him hypocritical is hypocritical, etc. Just imagine. Maybe these imaginings are not the most realistic things in the world, but thats why we have imaginations. So we can imagine a better relationship with our fellow humans. This song has a meaning and I am not going to hesitate to prove it. These things that set us apart are possesions and class. We cant live without them but if we could then there would be no stereotpes and prejudices. Im not caucasian and I live in Canada, which makes me enjoy this song more. I think John lennons songs were good, and he was a very intelligent person if you should know what I mean. If you have ever been cast out because of differences you will know what I mean. Well thats enough. Bye Buzz - Hamilton I understand that after this song was released John was so against materialism that instead of making people pay for tickets to his concerts he just asked that everyone bring a covered dish. (rumor has it his favorite was chicken casserole with the corn flakes on top, cant say I blame him) Jay - Atlanta, Ga Its funnie that the original version the line But Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us John sings it in a deep voice. Josh - Portland, Or The other night I started listening to all these kinds of songs, and I listened to this song a lot, both by Lennon and APC. I find the original Lennon version is extremely calm, compared to the APC one. APCs is more desperate, which does seem more fitting. Which makes me wonder why Lennon would choose such a calm approach to the song. I guess the subtle differences in the tone of his voice contributes to the impact of it almost as if trying to tell the listener that he wishes that the world could be like this, but it will never happen because people are selfish and too focused on material things instead of peace and love. Well never get to this state in our society, which is horribly sad. Ashley - Moncton, Canada To Jay, Atlanta, GA, yes, its quite obvious, im just typing stuff fast, because i was in a rush. James - Toronto, Canada Do you mean know instead of no and anyway instead of andyway Jay - Atlanta, Ga wow, i no all of you will probably hate me after bringing this subject up, but if you play the song backwards you hear the people war beside me andyway this is a great song, i love the piano James - Toronto, Canada Where pece prevails() What about a world where peas prevail. Now that would be utopia. Jay - Atlanta, Ga John was a great singer and a great songwriter. Personally, I cant think of anyone better. Ill say Paul was equally as good. But dont deify the guy. Imagine is a great song with a nice sentiment. It wouldnt have prevented World War II, however. In fact, its possible that TOO many people were imagining peace in the lead up to WWII and let Hitler become too powerful. It cost about 50 million people their lives. Imagine what those 50 million people and their offspring could have given the world had they not been killed. Steve - Fenton, Mo Did you listen to the song Its about more than posessions. He wants everypne to imagine a world where pece prevails. Him living in a mansion, in this case, is immatterial. Stefanie - Rock Hill, Sc Lennon didnt believe this himself. He didnt practice what he preached. He lived in a mansion and drove a huge white Mercedes. Jay - Atlanta, Ga Communist Utopia. Kanan. John - Millersville, Md I agree, very excelent message I love it after you read this, I would also like to ask you to just Imagine a world like this it really gets you thinking Steve - Midland, Mi This song is about the here and the now. John Lennon was saying imagine you had no possessions. Imagine we have no religions, no heaven, no hell. pretty much nothing to live your life for. Or imagine there is no God to look up to and impress. Imagine none of this exists. how are you going to treat people Are you going to be a nice person Will you still be a good person and be generous, even though there is no God that you will need to impress, or no heaven to go to if you follow the commandments This is merely the message that was getting across. It is all about getting you to think if none of these things exist, would you still treat people with respect. It is an excellent song with an excellent message. John Lennon was an amazing man. Anonymus -. Canada The world that John Lennon wished for in Imgine will never exist in our lifetimes and I amwas not offended by him being rich and me being poor. He only wished that there would be no more hunger in the world and that everyone would be able to have their needs supplied - not their wants. I wish I could fine peace and contentment in my own life amidst all the turmoil and turbulence. John-martin - Silver Creek, Ms Imagine no possessions very easy for many people but not for John Lennon I suppose he never knew what it is being poor. Nevertheless this song is beautiful, especially Phil Spectors Wall of sound. Listen very good and youll hear it on the background. Teresa - Mechelen, Belgium its I was the dreamweaver, but now im reborn, i was the walrus, but now im john. Daniel - Cincinnatti, Or Lennon was a hypocrit. he preached the a idealistic communist state while he reaped the benifits of capitalism. this is still a great song though. Daniel - Cincinnatti, Or Wow, thanks Kevin. I didnt know that. Makes me feel a lot better, also makes the song more credible to me. Kika - Nyc, Ny VEry well said Maria. You hit the nail on the head on that one. I couldnt have said it better myself. Stefanie - Rock Hill, Sc Nicely said, Maria. Riley - Naval Reserve, Sc I totally agree with Charlie in the middle. If there was one religion, it would just be like a natural way of life, not just another religion. Also, Matt, I dont think God never intended there to be peace. He intended life to be a test, but He wants peace. Saying God never intended there to be peace kind of contridicts Christianity. Tapi. I guess I do see your point. Riley - Naval Reserve, Sc Hey kika, its I was the dreamweaver, but now Im reborn, not I was the dreamer, but now Im John. And anyway, Gods not that sad of a song in relation to Imagine, considering God was released in 1970 and Imagine, 1971. So apparently John re-gained his dreamability. Kevin Murphy - Ridgewood, Nj You call a person like that John Lennon, Christina. This was the first song I ever performed. My accompaniment was an acoustic guitar, which is also lovely, but I love the piano melody in the song. I have only three points to make: Its a beautiful song John Lennon was not naive - on the contrary, he was a brilliant man, and not just musically and this song is not anti-religion. Religion can be a beautiful thing. John Lennon was against the preversion of religion, against those who take advantage of it to further their own agendas against those who use religion to shatter peace. Jesus was a huge hippy, after all. No one denies that religions like Christianity hold great truth and comfort - however, people will always take it too far. Utopia is when people no longer need a mythology along with their morality, when people do what is right merely because it is right, and not because they are afraid of an angry God (or even of a disappointed God). John Lennon understood that. And that is why Imagine, this beautiful, almost minimalistic song, is great. Maria - Lake City, Fl I totally praise this song but without religion in times of hardship sometimes religion will help you through it. What do u call a person without creed personal beliefsthey dont have to be religious or an opinion Christina - Norcal, Ca I was a dreamer, but now, im John-God sad isnt it what are other peoples opinions on this Kika - Nyc, Ny This is a beautiful song with a beautiful message. its sooooo awesome. You may say Im a dreamer But Im not the only one I hope someday youll join us And the world will BE as one thats the best line Floyd - Dallas, Tx Theres been a lot said about the lyrics to the song, what does anyone think of the music. I love the chord arrangement, especialy the intro and the chorus, the E F G C F E E7 chord change is very powerful. John Dylan - Blah, Ms I dont think Lennon really wanted to bring the inadequacies of religion into this. But, since were on it, religion in its most basic sense is a way for people to comfort themselves with the concept of death. Im catholic, and i see a lot of the monarchy etc. that can be associated with the church, but i still like the community, and the morals that come along with it. I would also like to point out that its Islam not Muslim. Theres a difference. The point of Imagine is a place where nobody would feel the need for religion anymore. But its wrong to tell people to be more like you and critical of religions. Most people interperate theyre religion metaphorically anyway. I just wanted to know if anybody had any comment on what john later sang in the song God. Kika - Nyc, Ny To anyone who thinks that the ideas Lennon expresses in this song are naive, you are wrong - at least concerning religion. Some moron made up the nonsence in Christianity, thats caught on pretty well. Some moron made up the nonsense in Judaism, thats caught on pretty well. Some moron made up the nonsense in Muslim, thats caught on pretty well too. The difference is, John Lennon is not a moron. I know I may have offended you if you are religous, and this probably isnt the place to do that, but this song gives me some context for it. I beg you, to actually look at your religion as non-objectively as you can. Judge it not as though your life depends on it, but as you would judge anything else, with logic and reason. Id be surprised if you didnt find that what you think for sure is the truth is sketchy at best. Free your mind. We dont know all the answers yet. Until we do, be an agnostic like me. John - Somewhere, Pa Yeah Im a sci-fi geek too. That episode of Quantum Leap used this to very good effect. Very good moment. Imagine singing this to your Beatle fanatic little sister way before Lennon recorded it But an amazing song. I love it James - Vidalia, Ga I think John Lennon would be not only disapoineted by the world today, but also how no one truley listened to his message. Dan - Lee, Nh Id also just like to say that people get caught up way to easily by saying this song is naive, and the utopia it forsees will never happen. Johns message is just to imagine this utopia, and maybe if we all work towards imagining it, it will come true. Bill - Erie, Pa Possibly the most beautiful song in human history. Lennon identifies and makes us see the negative effect that religion, posessions, borders, et cetera, have had on humanity. I think just by listening to this song, we realize the possibilities the human race can have without these things. Once we all take this song to heart, the world will finally be healed. Bill - Erie, Pa I get your point, but John Lennon was always one who stood for peace. He would be disappointed at whats going on in the world to day. All of the violence. Stefanie - Rock Hill, Sc lennon was one of the most amazing men who has ever written lyrics in history. Imagine is never to be forgotten and i love listening to it and wishing for peace. one of the greatest songs ever written by lennon i must say. Jonna - Dallas, Tx This song is incredibly moving, and we should all take its meaning to heart, as well as simply be moved by its beauty, but i feel its also important to consider that john later writes God, which i thought basically took back a lot of what he said in imagine. it really upset me. Kika - Nyc, Ny Okay. I just spent about 45 minutes reading all of the comments posted here. But the one that I simply have to address is way down towards the bottom and was penned by Mark in Ridgeland, MS. Mark, my friend, if John Lennon is rolling around in his grave, its not because of A Perfect Circles version or anyone elses version of the song Imagine. ((( Editors note - this is the last time I shall edit or delete this comment. This is a board about songs and facts and informative thoughts about them, not personal insult slinging and political bashing. Please respect everyones right to an opinion without resorting to namecalling. Thank you. ))) Ash - Charleston, Wv My senior class voted Imagine as our class song in 1975 but it was nixed by the principle who didnt understand that John Lennon was only telling us that if we all tried and cared just a little, we could all live in a better place. Jere - Lubbock, Tx Hey Lynn from Hawaii you asked why modern songwriters dont write like this. I think if you look at the type of crap that is popular now, you can see why no one can write anymore. Ashlee Simpson probably cant even spell Imagine, let alone write a song anywhere as good as it. Nathan - Defiance, Oh Dave Matthews covered this song at a concert of his. He took the first verse and chorus followed by a harmonica solo by John Popper of Blues Traveler, who continued on to sing the second verse. Great version by Dave and John. Dave - Philadelphia, Pa I totally agree with MATT. I really dont enjoy any song from my heart if it has anything against my religion. But still it is a great song. just by his voice and his guitar, not the lyrics. But i respect his works. Charbel - Sydney Well, matt, he really wasnt an athiest, he was just saying, wouldnt it be nice to live without having to be judged. Andy - Hamilton, Canada i love john lennons music. tapi. he was an athiest and i am christian which really disappoints me. it would be nice if we could have world peace but God never intended it. life is a test. if you do good here you will eventually live in a perfect utopian world called heaven. Matt - Niagara Falls, Ny i cant believe some people dont like this song. Whether or not John Lennon was a multimillionare, it still spreads a good message. Also, its not like he asked for all that money, he earned it through something he did well, MUSIC. And saying that the instruments are too easy Sometimes simple sounds beautiful. Just respect Lennon for the peace he tried to share while he was here, he deserved it. Anna - Syracuse, Ny The title of this masterpiece is Imagine. Most of the people on here seem to be forgetting that. Imagine. Sederhana seperti itu. Imagine no possessions, no heaven or hell, no religion, etc. Imagine it. The song is not saying this is how it should be but rather how life could be. I dont think John would have wanted us to be fighting over what it meant and bashing one anothers views however misguided or whatever one may think. That was not his point. Imagine all the people living life in peace. Cant we all just sit back and think about what this song is saying. This is exactly why Imagine can not come true because if we fight about little things like a songs lyrics, then what hope is there for us Imagine is one of the best songs ever written and John Lennon truly was a man of hope and genius. Carissa - La Mirada, Ca John was such a brilliant musician, he sings from his heart. He means what he is saying, he wants peace and love in this world and I think that people should listen to him, it is all so true. I love the Beatles but I do not think that I would love them so much if John wasnt in the band, infact I think that the band wouldnt be nearly as popular as it was and stil is. He was a great guy, witty, funny, very smart and kind. At first Imagine went through my head like any other song, you know It was a song about peace. Berhenti. I didnt care. Then later as I grew up I heard it again and it was an almost magical moment. the world WOULD be a better place if everyone was equal and there wouldnt be any religion, no heaven or hell, no killings or violence or country borders. Just one big beautiful and happy place for everyone. I got it now. I understood the message he had been trying to deliver to me in the past. If there would only be peace and freedom this world would be a better place to live in. But his death was tragic, a horrible thing. Who would kill such a man A man who was trying to make us all feel better I think that his death made his point even clearer, people saw how stupid violence was (and still is) and then the message was clear. John had in a way succeeded, there wasnt peace but the people knew and understood. I think that John changed many lifes including mine. He is the greatest song composer and artist the world of all time. No-one can replace him, or top him. There will only be one John Lennon. Peace in this world Auurv. - Reykjavik, Iceland It is irrufutably pathetic that all these people have done covers of this brilliant piece. On behalf of all the worlds late musicians I say to you, Write your own music Paul - Buffalo, Ny Wes from Springfield, VA: Sounds like youre a little jealous to me. His brilliant talent made him a multi-millionaire he deserved it it still doesnt mean he didnt want peace because if anyone did, it was John Lennon. Shirley - Ocean, Nj This is awful. Everyone saying that this song is insincere because John Lennon was a multi-millionaire is completely missing the point of the song. Youre allowing money to put barriers between people. Just because he had money means he was emotionally fulfilled He figured that because he wasnt destitute that the problems of the world didnt matter to him If you think that, you dont know Lennon. Life isnt about money. Miki - Vancouver, Canada The worst historical coincidence in Forrest Gump was when they tacked on Forrests influence in the writing of this song. No religion too Woeful. Miguel - Dublin, Ireland This was also wonderfully covered by Eva Cassidy, on her album Imagine Catherine - London, England There is actually two videos. The most well known one of an indian, but the other one is a little boy going into a room to get a toy on the ground, then walking into another room, every time he goes through a door he gets older, until he is an old man with a stick, walking in and putting a toy on the floor and vanishing and the boy trying to get in again. Its my favourite video ever. Whenever Lennon is coming on TV I watch incase they show us that video. Does anybody else remember Allan - Greebock, Scotland In 2004 a poll conducted and televised by CBC ranked this song as being the greatest song of all time. Dylan - King City, Canada Lennon was dead on in recognizing that the three most divisive and destructive influences in the world today are greed, national divisions and religion. As far as religion goes, his solution would be a world without religion. You cant blame him in a way, because, as other commentors have noted, the religions of the world, including mainstream Christianity, have for the most part failed to live up to the teachings of the Bible and Jesus and have dishonored God. But how about a world in which there is only ONE religion, one that truly promotes the teachings of the Prince of Peace That would be a unifying factor in the world. (Isaiah 2:2-4) The Bible promises such a time here on earth. Not only that, but a world in which there are no national boundaries and which every resident will be prosperous. Before you dismiss this as a pipe dream, why not actually read for yourself what the Bible has to say Charlie - Cape Girardeau, Mo Its just a beautiful song. But Lennons idea of a perfect world is quite naive. This song carries a very strong message to all of us and if this could actually happen in the future I would be very surprised because there is so much greed and propaganda in this world and its been carried from generation to generation and in my opinion it will never end. Thanks for trying John but this world will end with people killing each other. Peace out Vuk - Toronto, Canada my motto: A mind is opened by an abstract thought. is closed by an unjustified opinion. Aj - Cleveland, Oh In the song, John Lennon outlines a utopian society which he doubs a Brotherhood of Man, i see it as a call to Utopia, not neccesarily communism. He probably wanted to spead an idea that, with the outlined sacrifices (religon, countries, etc. ), we could better mankind. Now then, for the record, communism is great, capitalism is great, socialism is great, and utopias are excellent, but not without a good government. Communism, in its purest form should be an anarchy - not chaotic, but relying on the goodness of mankind. the reason communism is so bad is because the only communistic economies have been under a dictatorship. USAs capitalism only functions because of democracy. again, for the record, Dictators are bad, Anarchies dont work because the human race cannot function without a leader, monarchies are dictators (exept constitutional monarchies, which are. acceptible) republics dont work, empires are bad, and finally, democracies are good. people who are quick to label, accuse, and blame others without knowing what the hell they are really saying disgust me. if you are only relying on your misjudged opinions to form unjustified arguments over how bad the good things are, than you disgust me. go ahead and compare me to hilter, you only show your incompetency to grasp ideas. I am not a Nazi or Hitler or Stalin etc, I am tired of people using that cliche to throw mud at otherwise clean people. back to topic:: John Lennon created many beautiful songs in his carreer, Imagine is one of my all-time favorites. Aj - Cleveland, Oh I love this song so much Its beautiful and had a great message - if only people would listen to it Liz - Rochester, Ny This is my personal favorite song of all time. Its such a great song. The simplisity of it is amazing. And the message that it passes along is so great. If even half of the world could live by this song the world would be a great place to live. Jerry - West Valley, Ut This is a beautiful song. Only if everyone could feel this way. Niki - Chicago, Il ok, imagine a world with no possessions. easy for him to say maybe. this is coming from a guy that can have it all materially, have you ever thought that MAYBE, just MAYBE he realized now that possessions are not whats important in life he used to think they were but once he got them, they werent salvation. how can anyone say this songs lyrics are not powerful or beautiful theyre the essence of the song. A perfect world living in peace. and for those dissing religion. i dont think it should be banned because a true religion should not be what it is these days. people are being hypocritical and stupid when they say that they kill in the name of god. they are using religion to justify their evil. no religion in the world justifies murder. they may not believe in the same god but they consist of the same concept, love and peace. its hypocrits that misinterpret this that ruin it. oh, yeah, you say youre christian yet you are sigining up for the armed forces. Liliana - Huntley, Il According to an article in Rolling Stone, The beefy piano sound on Imagine was actually produced by Lennon on his grand piano and Nicky Hopkins (Jefferson Airplane, The Who, et al.) doubling his part on another grand. Listen to the right and left channels on a stereo recording and you can hear the differences in their performance of the lines. Roundabut1983 - Ithaca, Ny This is a beautiful song written by a beautiful man who was kind enough to share his vision of a world where everyone could live together without hatred, war, fighting, bickering and name calling over petty differences. (Are any of you commentators feeling just a lil bit guilty) Jude - Thomasville, Ga Neil Young preformed this song in A Tribute to Heros. Madonna destroyed the song and her already low popularity when she attempted to sing this song for NBCs Tsunami Relief concert. Rob - Portage, Mi Phil Spectors Wall of Sound makes this song of John Lennon so beautiful, just listen and you can hear it, its just there. Teresa - Mechelen, Belgium I think this is a very good message and everyone should listen to it. Even though it is not my type of music i still like the message Morgan - Palmer Rapids, Canada I like the remake by A Perfect Circle better, but its a beautiful song. Gita - Apple Valley, Mn Numerous number of people here have tried very hard to dig out different meanings of this song and, in my opinion, have done a good job. So, it is futile for me to go on explaining the different aspects of this song. What would explain, however, is how I feel about the song itself. I feel it is the best song ever written. Yes, I have not heard each and every song written in each and every language ever written, but if i really think about it, I just cannot imagine any song being better than this. People might say Im a fanatic. Maybe I am, maybe I am not. But this is what i genuinely feel about this song Adnan - Houston, Tx This was Rolling Stones third best song ever made Carly - San Diego, Ca This is a truly awesome song. the cover by A Perfect Circle however, is horrendous. John would probably roll over in his grave if he heard it. Abby - Huntsville, Tx Ironic isnt it that we have all these people saying about peace and love yet right here we have people arguing about communism and the meaning of this song. Great song though Mark - Perth, Australia this song means a lot to me and people in my family. it proves that there are celebs who care about people who are less fortunate than others ad that world peace is more than just a dream. as in the line You may say Im a dreamerBut Im not the only one means that the ones who care need to speak up, not just dream. or, at least, they should. Aiedail - Carnation, Wa isnt music a way to express yourself and if he wanted to express his political views why not, he loved music or else he wouldnt of expressed himself in that outlet. i dont believe this song is communist at all, i believe it is trying to make us invision a world where everyone wouldnt let themselves be divided over every issue. religion, and politics are such big issues in our lives but they also are they most dividing ones, and they make us fight more than anything Lauren - Lufkin, Tx Imagine is a great song. The best. All you Kerry fans out there, however, I suggest you shut the hell up because your guy lost We should be talking about the brillance, the greatness of John Lennon, and not stupid things such as how bad our President is. 59 million people disagree with you. get over it Move if you hate our President. damn I hate all you people who have to make it a point to bring down our President. go to a Kerry fansite you damn frauds and root for Hillary in 2008 losers. John - Boston, Ma also on the song Kiss, kiss. kiss by yoko on double fantasy, she says some giberish and it u play it backwards she says i shot john lennon very weirdly but it makes out to say that, this was after he got killed Chris - Chch, New Zealand If you play the part in the song Imagine all the people backwards he says The people war beside me Chris - Chch, New Zealand If John Lennon were around today I think he would be very disappointed in us, Americans. We all know John Lennons lyrics will never come true. Thats why its called Imagine. I think he wrote this to not only let us imagine a land of peace, but to also motivate us to make this a reality, but we dont care. We are selfish pigs who only desire good to come to ourselves. We are not open-minded, but we need to be in order to survive because if we dont we will end up killing off ourselves. It will happen, eventually. Anyway, great song. John Lennons a genius. Saya selesai. Wil - Marco Island, Fl To Roman in Germany: Yes, he was a multi-millinaire and it was his musical talent and writing ability that brought him there. He just happen to make a great living off of what he liked doing best like any other artist. People sing about what they believe in regardless of their monetary status. By your cutting remarks you dont really sound like you want peace you sound bitter or jealous or both. And peace train was great, but this was truly the best song ever written and obviously not just my opinion. Shirley - Ocean, Nj I could barely believe my eyes as I was reading through these posts and saw someone comparing president Bush to Robert Frost. I know that doesnt have to do with Imagine, because there is no way in hell I could imagine a connection between Bush and Frost. Ha ha ha. Jacob - Kalamazoo, Mi You people totally miss the point. Whats the title of the song Imagine Its not about Communism, nor is it promoting communist ideas. Its not saying, lets toss out religion and borders its about thinking about the reasons of war and strife, and fixing it, and believing in peace. It has nothing to do with the most prevelant of communist principles, which often have aspects of religion and social strata (ie borders). Its not about action itself, its about thinking of and solving the problem, and people coming together to have peace. Thus the title, Imagine. Jeramy - Jonesboro, Ar On one of the last episodes of the show Quantum Leap, Sams little sister asks him what happens to John, because hes her favorite Beatle. He doesnt tell her about his death, but plays her this song instead. Jeramy - Jonesboro, Ar Absolutely beautiful song. Doesnt seem to have had much impact in the world, however. Peter - Toronto, Canada You know I was thinking reading this over I saw a few comments that ran something like With no religion people would kill each other all the time because they have no fear of an afterlife, etc. etc. All I wanted to say is that it is quite sad where our moral values are based on whether or not we will be punished for our actions. Anyone who is a good person because they want to get into heaven, cannot truly be a good person. As for the song (I lied, that wasnt all I wanted to say), this song is pure song about how great life would be without all of these differences between us. Im getting tired of people saying how unrealistic it is of course it is impossible, I gave up faith in the human race long ago. However, the name of the song is Imagine, if you recall. Imagine how great it would be if such a thing could come into being. And lastly, anyone who makes the comment that John Lennon was a hypocrit because he spoke of no possessions because he was multimillionaire, are not truly seeing his words for what they are. He was a Beatle who made millions of dollars doing what he loved, yes, but does that make him greedy I think not. You would have no idea if he would or would not have given up his belongings for this utopia he imagined, and neither do I no one will ever know. Imagine. Because thats all pathetic mankind can ever do. A beautiful, pure song. Jacob - Kalamazoo, Mi i think the purpose of the song is just to make you think, what is the role of religion and countries et, whilst not directly advocating communism. we can apply these feelings all the time, not just in revoloutions, but supporting charities, and protesting against wars. however, if everyone thought about these issues, then perhaps a utopian socialist community might not be such a far off idea. p. s, to the george bush fan, i think you must have been watching far too much fox news Alanwhite - Macclesfield, England I had to sign up once I read what some of the people said about Lennon. The lyrics were more important than the music How do you figure that Music was the most important thing to John. Imagine was an extremley personal song, and if being against death and war is something that you cant agree with John on then good for you. I dont believe John had communism in mind when he wrote this song, you guys just seem to think that since he opposes war and violence hes a communist Why would he want a communist world when if it were communist he wouldnt be able to sing freely like he does in this song Its like this and no religion too . COMMUNIST. Without religion most wars wouldnt have been started, with possessions people wouldnt be homeless or go hungry, without Countries people wouldnt be divided. Some of you people just try to hard to find a deep secret meaning in such straight forward songs. Jordan - Calgary, Canada Everyone is missing the point, many wars are fought over religion. Many are fought over patriontism and nationalism, and many are fought over possesion. For Ex. Bushs war was fought over posesion of oil. 911 happened because of religion, and WWII over (at least partly) nationalism. Lennon desribes a world without these three, in his opinion the only way for world peace. Now as for the dumbfked idiot who claims that this war is not brutal. Tell that to mothers whose children and husbands have died because some stupid american in a tank did not want to take the time to aim. Tell that to inocent people tourtured at abu garade and to the othe 100,000 dead Iraqies. John - Shelby, Nv This is a beautiful song with a great message. I agree that its too idealistic and the world imagined by Lennon will probably never exist. Yet theres nothing wrong in believing it could. The world would have been even a more horrible place without people who at least promote the mere idea peace and unity. And so what if its sang by a multi-millionare (I think he deserved it). He knows a world without posessions does not exist, hes just asking us to take a moment and imagine what it would be like. And also, a world without relision does not neccessarily translate into communism. I personally think that religion has been nothing but destructive to human societies. It divides people us into groups, feed them with super natural explanations of the world, prevent, give them something to believe in and something to be afraid of, in order to be able to control them in communities. And all in the name of GOD. Im teling you, if there is a god he wouldnt himself approve of religion the way it is practiced today. Religion promotes narrow-mindedness and prevents people from using their own cognitive abilities to fullfill their roll as human beings. Sure religion was a good way of providing blind guidance for savages three thousand years ago, since their human rationality and morality had not been matured enough for them to be able to make sensible social and personal decisions, and the only way to control them was if you do this and that you go to hell. I would like to thing human race has evolved from that. If we leave in houses, shower every day, and have concepts such as Laws, Moral Codes and Human Rights, then we should also be able to realize that certain religous saying and acts are to be understood and not to be blindly followed. For example lying and stealing is wrong because it has a nagative affect on the life of us and others, not becuase we are going to hell because of it. Or confession has a positive psychological effect by making you face your own actions and its consequences. but insisting that god created the earth in 7 days is just rediculous and in opposition to evolution. My point is, I think people nowadays must be able to use their own judgments to see the right and wrong of everything including religion. Anyway sorry if I went on and on about religion, I think John Lennon himself didnt look into this as much as I have. Nevertheless I admire this song simply for its capability to influence its listeners enough to pause and think about an ideal world, even if for a second. Vesta - Toronto, Canada Wtf exactly. Saya setuju. I cant enjoy a song to its full potential if I know the person singing it isnt sincere. Anyone can put any combination of perfect words together to make themselves sound so caring and thoughful but to really mean it is a whole other issue. Which is a reason Im not too into Imagine. I think John Lennon stood for Peace and he wanted most of the things he said. But some of the lyrics, like the references to possessions for example, you could tell he was only saying coz he knew he would never have to give his up. John - Gosford, Australia John, I agree with you about this song being kinda funny coming from a multi-millionare. Its kinda like the song Yesterday by Paul Mccartney. Yesterday, he was a poor kid from Liverpool who dropped out of school and was really happy to be getting 15 pounds a week. Today hes a multi-millionare who has hundreds of screaming fans chasing him wherever he goes. wtf man. Loretta - Liverpool, England Profoundly simple. Alex - Nunya, Ca So many people go on about Imagine being the peace anthem. but its not. Imagine a world with no possessions coming from a multi millionare Thats easy enough for him to say lol. Peace Train by Cat Stevens was so much more genuine and sincere, and was overall a better song. Peace Train IS the Anthem of Peace. John - Gosford, Australia Everyone goes on about Imagine this and Imagine that. They all think its the best song ever because of its message. What they all seem to forget is Peace Train by Cat Stevens, with a much better peace message and it was overall a better song as well. John - Gosford, Australia ok. Here we go. Karl Marx was a genius. Communism, if the human psyche would allow it to ever be put in place, would be the most successful form of political organization the world has ever seen. Banning religion, although harsh, would create an entirely peacful society. No more claims of My Gods better than your God I cant se how that would be bad at all. Mark, what kind of freaky news have you been watching How on freaking earth could anyone ever consider this war not brutal. Unless you happen to find mindless slaughter fun and entertaining. Also, where in the constitution or any other political document does it state that the purpose of foreign policy is to displace bad leaders We can only hope the English or the Germans dont have the same kinda idea, because, if they do, were screwed. If you want to argue about WMDs, the best thing to do is shut up. If you want to think about a ruler torturing and tormenting people, call president Bushs telephone a weapon of mass destruction. Pause a moment and think about that. Hey wait, do you by any chance LOVE the 700 Club Because, if you do, its not your fault youre so closed-minded and pathetically uneducated in the ways of politics. Brady - Fort Stockton, Tx How can you say the world would be better without religion Granted many people die over religion, but if you truely ponder a world without religion what are you left with People who kill and fight because they have no morals or soul because they have no direction from a greater power. This is why leaders like Bush are hated by many failing to see the BIG picture. Tim - Marinette, Wi Anyway, this song is great Communism is a good idea, but impossible. The only way it would be possible is if an entire country reached nirvana (not the band, the idea in Hinduism of reaching a state where the person does not wantdesire any material possesions, in which the soul goes directly to the Brahman), which doesnt happen very often. Oh yea, and I just heard A Perfect Circles cover of this song. I cried. They completely butchered it. They made it such a depressing song. John Lennon is probably rolling in his grave Mark - Ridgeland, Ms The problem with most of these comments about anti-communism is that they are written by people who dont realize what true brillance john had. Communism is the idea of sharing and equality, yet it has provin itself flawed in the past since it has always been overshadowed by greed. But this is no reason to give up hope for the future. Through evolution we are growing in our interlectual ways, but we are not done yet. The want and need for the accumulation of material possesions is a primitive idea that goes hand in hand with the thought of lust and the possible loss of the possesions which ultimatly lead to greed. johns idea of of this paradise is realistic yet not in are time. hell, when the most powerful country in the world elects such an ignoranus as bush not only once but twice, how are we supposed to e3ven dream of lennons theory. But john is not talking about steriotypical communism, he is talking about a whole world sharing and living together, no man better then the other, a total state of equality. Lennon was just way before his time, maybe in a couple hundred years when human kind learn from their mistakes they will be capable of maintaining such a lifestyle. Or keep on destroying one another physically and mentally untill we self destruct. Yet again, mabye that is the better outcome, and life will start again into somthing beautiful, somthing treasured, somthing like john imagined. Chris - Halifax, Canada Imagine was chosen as the song of the century in brazilian radio contest in 2000 Alexandre Medina - So Paulo - Brazil Alexandre - So Paulo, Brazil The theory of communism is brilliant. The fatal flaw in it in the past has been the greed of man. It COULD work someday, I think, if there were checks and balances. Communism doesnt have to be a dictatorship. It can be a democary Communism NOT a political system, it is a financial one. But I dont see Communism working any time soon in the world. although it could some day. Capitalism creates too many classes and no matter how much money I have or get, I dont like for anyone to feel below me because of it. - The Prynce The Prynce - Dillon Hamer, Sc I dont think theres anything wrong with religion personally, but I think that organized religions tend to get way out of hand. This song kind of promotes that thought. If we are one, and stop fighting with each other for no reason, then we dont need all these bylaws to tell us how to be. Lacy - Yukon, Ok The political idea of communism does not work. Its impossible for it to work. Thats why it hasnt worked yet, and never will. Don - Philadelphia, Pa Imagine no possession. , this line was written and sung by a multi-millionnaire. Very reliable and authentic. Lets wait til Michael Jackson sings us the Blues: Yeaaaaah, I was born a poooooor mans son, mama. o) Roman - Cologne, Germany this is the greatest song of all time. Why Because of the message it represents. I agree completely that possessions, religion, and political separation have accounted for the injusticies and greed in the world since the beginning of time. Im not saying, however, that communisim is the way to go, because we all are different, and everyone would like have a nice car and make progress. Theres nothing with that. What is wrong is when one gets involved in only those posessions and religion to where they dont help others but rather put material things first for their own benefit. Having a democratic society, yet one which protects peoples rights (not only in the US but all over the wolrd) and doesnt allow for a drastic and excessive difference in social and economic classes, in other words a hybrid of capitalism and communism, in my opinion is ideal. Victor - Vienna, Va Theres no doubt in my mind that this is one of the greatest songs ever written. It is no wonder so many people all over the world love it. In it, Lennon sings about a world that doesnt exist and may never exist, a world with no religion, no possessions, and no countries. Unfortunately, a utopia like that will most likely never come about. Its sad, but true. I think thats partly the reason the song is called Imagine. We can easily imagine a utopia like this, but actually bringing it about would be near impossible. Justin - Birmingham, Al I also disagree that this is a good song. Lennons voice is great, the piano is fantastic, but the lyrics ruin it for me and anyone else who chooses to remain a citizen in the only free country in the world. I find it ironic that for thousands of years people fought for freedom, and revolutionized government. only to want to throw it away in the only country where freedom is not a dream. Brooks - Vero Beach, Fl there is nothing wrong with the theory of communism. the only thing wrong is that it hasnt worked correctly in any society yet. John Lennon was right, and I agree with Martin when he says that there is no better song about peace. The melody and the lyrics just make people listen and understand. no one has to talk about it. As for Bohemian Rhapsody vs. Imagine, its hard to choose. both are incredible songs, i dont think it has anything to do with the number of hits of each band. Rachel - Upper Darby, Pa This song was used in an Amnesty International promotion. I cant think of another song matched with an institution with such accuracy. Possibly could be the only official use in such a format by Yoko Ono. Thoughts. Bart - Marshfield, Wi if there were no religion, the world would be a better place Victor - Vienna, Va Shortly after John Lennon died and Imagine was No. 1 in the UK, a reverend went on the radio to castigate Lennon for the line Imagine. no religion too, missing the point that all the worlds ills are caused by. wel, all the things mentioned in the song (religion, countries borders, possessions. ). There is no better song about peace. As for finishing 2nd to Bohemian Rhapsody, there is a website which did an amalgam of all the end-of-millenium polls, and Imagine came out on top Dont forget that Queen fans only ever vote for one song, whereas Beatle fans have a hole smorgasboard to choose from Martin - London, England Alan White is credited on the album sleeve. Ringo isnt on the album at all. George Harrison is, but not on the track Imagine. Martin - London, England It said Ringo Starr played the drums on this track. I heard Alan White of Yes played. Any feedback. Ken - Leicester, Nc John Lennon was like Roger Waters in that he was more concerned with the lyrics and progressively became less concerned with the music. Paul McCartney and David Gilmour carried on the musical legacies of the Beatles and Pink Floyd, respectively. Kurt - Downers Grove, Il And Im sure calling him a God with reference to him making a song against religion would offend John Brooks - Vero Beach, Fl To begin with, in addition to the piano use by Oasis, I stumbled across Bob Segers Weve Got Tonight which also opens with that piano. As far as pure music is concerned, this is a great song, but its also evidence that Lennons solo career was more about politics and less about music. To claim that he is a God is unfair, considering he is advocating communism, which claims more lives than religion does in countries that profess it (Russia, China, etc.). As far as being brilliant, I believed that Lennons brilliance is fading from here on out. Songs to him became more about politics than music, and its truly a sad thing considering his ability to write some damn good music. Brooks - Vero Beach, Fl No number of word or emotions can really describe this song. Sometimes the only thing to express the inexpressible is silence. Luke - Memphis, Tn Im listening to this song right now as im writeing this and it really does make me cry. (sob)Its got to be one of the most beautifull songs ive ever heard. Peace forever x Catherine - Glasgow, England This song is the only song that ever made me cry when I heard it. Peace and love forever. Iggy Leney - Detroit, Mi This song is a beautiful and pastoral memory hung in time of what has been and van be. Organized religion, material possesions and self absorbed comercialism is not what John Lennon imagines for this world in the future and for his and my grand kids. Brittany Schultz - Alvin, Tx A beautiful, yet haunting melody by John Lennon. Possibly, one of the most beautiful works of art ever created. Alan - Delray Beach, Fl Yes, Imagine is a song about a certain degree of a communistic state of being, but it says what many people feel but are afraid to voice. While I dont agree with communism, I often wonder what life would be like without religion, and many of the other things that has people killing each other by the millions in the name of God or some other idelistic nonsense. Theres an old saying: For bad men to do wrong requires only the opportunity. For a good man to do wrong requires religion. In other words, when a person thinks they have the almighty God on their side they are capable of things like the Holy Crusades the Spanish Inquistion, or 9-11. John, I think, understood the horrible things that had been done for the sake of the so-called righteous, which might account for the incredible passion he felt for the song. Of course I dont know since Im not John, but he did have a real love for peace and understanding adn the hope that people could some day look beyond their disagreements and love one another above worldy concerns. Mike Mike - Kansas City, Ks This is the best ever written Beautiful but haunting melody but it is much deeper than people whould think. John Lennon is the God of all music. Britney - Calabasas, Ca On the soundtrack to the movie Imagine, which is basically a musical chronology of Johns career, there is a demo take of this song in the middle of the album. At the end of the song, the producer in the studio can be heard to say Thats nice. As the track fades out, you can hear John say Yeah, thats the one I like the best. Dan - Fort Collins, Co this was late astronaut ilan ramon, who died in the columbia disaster, favourite song. it was played in his funeral. Noam - Ein Zivan, Israel Lennon wrote this after a couple of months of primal scream therapy, which accounts for the placid feeling about the song. Hes actually trying to get people to imagine a communist utopia. The song was used to great effect at the end of the movie Killing fields. Roddy - Southampton, England see more comments
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